I received an email from the founder of a tech startup about meeting for coffee and discussing some openings at his company. He is experienced, the company sounds interesting, but I am 99% certain that I won't leave my job situation at this time. I would like to meet him, however, because I'd like to exercise my networking and interviewing skills.
I am currently working as a freelance software contractor, and I run a small software company with a business partner. I am planning to spend at least another ~6 months building my small business before considering a job change. I would be open, however, to working on a part-time or contract basis, without committing to a full-time permanent position.
Should I mention to this startup founder that I am not interested in a job, or only interested in contract work? How far should I go with the interview? Should I give him a resume at the meeting?
I am curious to apply just to see the offer I would get (if any), and to improve my interviewing/networking skills. But I don't want to waste his time or burn bridges.