For employees life/work convenience in our company, we implemented something we call "Non-uniform Daily Working Times Policy".
It means that we have a default daily working hours starting from 9AM to 6PM (5 days a week=45 hours, Saturdays & Sundays are default weekend days) but each employee can override it at the beginning of each month and choose a different working times during a working day. The only rule here is that the total working hours should be 45 hours per week. i.e: John can override it and define his own working times for June:
- Monday (11AM-8PM - 9 Hours)
- Tuesday (9AM-6PM - 9 Hours)
- Wednesday (Off)
- Thursday (9AM-6PM - 9 Hours)
- Friday (1PM-10PM - 9 Hours)
- Saturday (9AM-1:30PM - 4.5 Hours)
- Sunday (9AM-1:30PM - 4.5 Hours)
This policy is to helping everyone to do their weekly tasks and manage their personal life beside, the way they like. Company doors is open for 24/7/365 hours/weeks/days per year.
The problem we have is that, we are doing agile and scrum and have daily standup meetings during our scrum sprints and I think that everyone should be present in this meeting. Standup meetings are around 9:30A.M each day and apparently not everyone can attend. Beside, we have different events and meetings which require everyone to participate.
Also, this makes another problem. As a scrum master and team leader, this force me to go to office 7 days per week because I have to held up standups everyday and provide stuff for everyone in each day and be present for possible helps, pair programmings and assistance.
What should we do? Should we stop this policy and force everyone to come to office in a non-negotiable daily working hours? Or is there any solution for the problems I mentioned ?
This question may seems ridiculous for some of you but we are in the beginning of our new procedure and needs some of your experience.