I'm working for a big company as part of a specialized team that helps other teams in the company accomplish certain goals. Those other teams can be seen as "customers" (they have no obligation to use our services and are billed for those).
Often when technical questions arise from one of the team we support, a colleague of mine always comes to me with the "customer" representative(s) and introduces me as: "This is Bob, he is our expert in X." (If this matters, almost all team members indeed agree in that I am the expert in X).
While it's flattering to be labelled an expert, I often don't know how to react to such statements. Obviously, several courses of action are possible, like:
- "You are damn right I'm the expert!" - Cocky and clearly not the way to go.
- "Well, I don't know about expert but let's see how I can be of help." - Might make me sound uncertain about my abilities.
- I smile politely and say nothing. - What I usually do but I fear it makes me look asocial or shy.
I have no idea what to reply in these situations. Usually the meeting goes well in the end but I always have this feeling that people's first reaction is to discard my input. This especially happens when they are a lot of vocal people in the room which somehow take all the space: I usually shut down and find it hard to interrupt those. This is frustrating as I often understand what the real problem is and how to solve it but don't have the "charisma" (may not be the right word) to dare and speak up unless someone explicitly asks for my opinion.
So, what is a good, professional way of reacting to those introductions that will help me project confidence without sounding presumptuous?