I wasn't really sure where my question belongs here or on SO, but I decided to go for it on The Workplace; excuse me if I chose the wrong place, also, excuse me for my english.
Here's the situation:
About a year ago I was working as a web-developer and my colleague introduced me his friend who was seeking for help with his website. That friend (let's call him D) has a small business in entertainment and asked for a "free" simple website that would track bookings. He promised two free tickets for the website. I had a free time and thought why not? I took me like a couple evenings to make a simple website. Eventually I got my tickets and D got his website.
Time passed and D's business has grown up, and of course my simple, somewhat buggy website went crazy. Month ago I started getting endless messages from D telling about multiple bugs. The tone of messages implied that I have to fix those bugs.
I managed to reach an agreement with him about some bugs and he paid me some money for fixing them. But he still texting me in a really childish manner with angry emojis, uppercase-written messages, showing no professionalism and respect. He always apeal to the fact that I made buggy website and don't want to fix the bugs, thus I am the bad guy, not him.
I got a new job since the time I developed the website and I just have no time and no desire to maintain D's website. And I don't know how to respond him.
From one hand, he asked for a working website in the first place. But from the other hand, I made the website basically for free, with no guarantees.
So how should I respond to him? Should I explain him that the good website costs money and I don't want to do that for free? And what if he'll continue to text me?
UPD I'm about to go with the following response, what do you think?
Hi, here's what I think. I made your simple website a while ago, basically for free. Since that time your business has grown up, people interact with the website more, it got more load, thus, more bugs started showing up. You have to understand that if you need reliable, stable, full-functioning website you should find a company or developer who will develop website that fits your needs. Right now I have no time for maintenance of your website because of my job. I think that I made a lot more than I had to do, no offence. If you want to, I can give you contacts of a developer I know who could make a good website for you, but be ready to pay for it.