One of my Qualification is titled Bachelor of Information Technology (Computer Games). in comparison to a normal Bachelor of Information Technology it's the exact same having the exact same Core Subjects that must be taken and passed. the difference in them is that with the Computer Games one, with the Electives (Subjects i must choose) there are 2 kinds, Electives and Games Electives with the latter only having a pool of subjects related only to Games, the former is any subject including those from the Games Electives Pool.

Despite explaining this my parents still complain saying that no employer will hire someone who did Computer Games in University. i have had 2 previous jobs and at the time listed that my Bachelor was in Computer Games. i believe my first job was very supportive of this because there was also a couple of gamers in the team (even during our personal work period at the end of the week one of them would be working on Drones and another would be showing off their Kickstarter Prizes like a mini projector, or a pen that drew in plastic) while my second job was the opposite going so far as to prevent me from learning anything outside what was required of work (ie. other programming languages, foreign cultures, even how to create a passive income) and i belive they only accepted my qualification as a trade off to the PHP Skills they would acquire from me.

Before my first job i was unemployed for half a year so i am unsure if employers back then or currently are seeing the Computer Games part of my Qualification and not even give me a second thought. that said since both the regular Bachelor of Information Technology and Computer Games one are more or less the exact same and that i recall in an interview when i forgot to bring my Bachelor one of my interviewers saying they could check up on it themselves, i am wondering that if i removed the Computer Games part of my Qualification would it be seen as dishonest and thus i would be seen negatively?

  • 1
    "foreign cultures, even how to create a passive income" Why on earth would you think this is something you should be able to do while you're being paid to work?
    – Lilienthal
    Commented Jun 27, 2016 at 8:18
  • "no employer will hire someone who did Computer Games in University" - really? I would think the ability to program computer games is a general advantage.
    – Brandin
    Commented Jun 27, 2016 at 8:21
  • @Brandin Presumably the issue is one of maturity and the possibility that OP is only applying for a non-videogame job to make ends meet and will leave the second he gets his "dream job". Regardless, it's not relevant to the actual question asked here.
    – Lilienthal
    Commented Jun 27, 2016 at 8:22
  • So basically, your degree is officially "Bachelor of Information Technology in Computer Games", and you would like to simply write "Bachelor of Information Technology" on your CV instead?
    – Brandin
    Commented Jun 27, 2016 at 8:26
  • @Lilienthal when there was work for me to go onto i focused on my work but if it was during my break or when there was no work (ie. there was no more tasks left for me) i would then do self improvement to keep myself occupied. it was ok in my first job so i assumed it was ok in my second but not only could i not do that during my break i couldn't improve any other programming skills. i lost out on so much time i could have been learning C# then but instead i had to sit around and wait for my supervisor to fine another website that haddn't been done because i didn't have access
    – Memor-X
    Commented Jun 27, 2016 at 9:44

1 Answer 1


I have exactly the same qualification title as yourself and personally I don't feel it has been a disadvantage. I have worked a year in games development for a year and afterwards nearly 7 years in other industries.

After deciding to move away from the games industry, I made sure I tailored every application to the role (which possibly does underplay the games experience) but this is something you should do for any application.

I never had any feedback from an employer saying that the games degree was a problem and if we did talk about my course I answered honestly. The games modules on my course contained many elements useful in general (mathematics, graphics, scripting, etc etc) that the general degree didn't contain so you should be prepared also to present these as an advantage.

In short I would try to embrace your course title not be seen to be ashamed of it, even hiding something by omission can be taken negatively and get you off on the wrong foot.

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