I was recruited to a software engineering company right out of college (I graduated in May). I've worked here for about 3 months, then I got engaged to my bf who lives back in my college town. We were discussing where we should live; if he should move here or if I should move there.
I decided to move back. I would rather be home, and besides, I'm not really happy with this job. I was told I would be working with current languages, but instead I'm working with an outdated, in-house language (it's SQL-ish)
I did well in school; I was an honors student, had an internship, won some stuff etc. However, I have not gotten the experience I thought I would get from this job, and I'm worried that leaving so early, with little to show for it, would make me look like I am unreliable. For example, I'm trying to apply to some database jobs, but they all want SQL experience. I only have experience in psuedoSQL. Would that cut it?
I'm not an unreliable person, and I'm not a slacker, but these last few months haven't gotten me far and I don't want to pause my life out of deference to a company I have little loyalty to. What should I do?