In my company there is a CEO and several VPs.
The CEO works from home 1 - 2 days a week. Some of the other VPs work from home at least once a week. Other departments have people who work remotely either full time or part time as well.
We have been told as software developer that this is not an option for us. It is only possible for emergencies and must be approved before hand.
I soon will be negotiating for another year at my current company. How can I say something like "Is it possible I could work from home 1 day a week? Other seem to do it, why can't I?"
How can I ask for a new "soft" benefit that I don't currently don't enjoy but others do?
Some of the reasons given for not being able to : 1) They pay for our offices, it would be a waste to have them empty(ironically our CEO has the biggest office, but it is the one that is empty the most often) 2) They want continuous collaboration between developers(I think between video chats, and IM this is mitigated. I don't even talk to other developers that much when I am here).
As for my performance, I know I have earned the trust of my employer. Also it is worth noting that the policy may cause several of the developers(including myself) to leave soon. I don't want to throw out ultimatums, I just want the same benefits others in the company have.