There are 2 teams. Team A: One working on JSF, Hibernate, EJB stuff. And Team B: working on IOT, Cassandra, kafka etc. I am member of team B. But I have also had to help out team A. Offcourse everybody wants to work on what team B is working on. Now there is another microservice that needs to be developed using some ancient technology. My manager asked me what can we give the other team to work on and I suggested this microservice. The other team's manager rejected the idea and now my manager wants me to do it. Says I can lead the team as well. I would rather work on the latest technology than work on this microservice that nobody wants to work on. How can I get out of this ?
I have let him know about my displeasure on this.
Then there is the architect who was supposed to be prototyping this, but was stalling it because of it's old technology. Thought I would get more information on this, but he turned around and is trying to dump this thing on me by telling the manager that he talked about these technologies with me.
How can I get out of this ?
I am thinking if I just have to do this then ask for work on other new technologies as well. Equal time spent on both kinds of work. How can I handler this and come out with the best outcome.