Bit of my background before I get into the question. For those who don't know what SEE is. It is short for Signed Exact English for language. Bear in mind SEE and ASL (American Sign Language) are different language in both how dialect, expression are used, sentence are structured, and etc... Keep in mind although I can't hear myself speak but can talk verbally just fine plus writing and read English.
Sometime I see that business allow you to fill in American Sign Language as a second language which is nice. Sometime they let you say Other language and fill in detail yourself.
The trouble is sometime application requires you to select ONE as your "first/primary" language otherwise it will not let you finish it. Strictly speaking I learnt both SEE and spoken/wrote English at the same time (similar to preschool bilingual education). I eventually picked up ASL later on and can use all 3 languages with minimum effort.
So what should I put down as my first/primary language?