I am 24 and normally an University Student. I do not have any Job Experience in my Field. And I am currently looking for an Job. I am already an year over the normal time.
This term I forgot to enroll for the University and thus cannot study util March. Due to the fact that I don´t want to study for four years and then have nothing I will of course begin next term again. So I want to get an Job as a Programmer. - Month´s ago I was already looking half-heartly for an part-time Job, but now I am looking for Full-time "aggressively".
I am planning to have that Job now Full time and later flexi or maybe some hours less for study.
Now I am afraid what I shall tell an Interviewer. How shall I handle the Situation if someone asks me why I did not enrolled in time?
My problem is that an Interviewer could think that this is still affecting me and my Workforce. I even thought about bluntly lie to him and say that I am studying, but I think that this is a terrible idea.
Furthermore how can I express that I will study again and will probably need for that time then less hours, but still want to stay with them?
For Clarification: I lost two Persons precious to me and I was not... "myself" for some time (what I do NOT want to express at an Interview). Furthermore they changed the enrolling Process, what didn´t helped either.
Excuse my English, I am German.