Recently, I underwent under heavy surgery. My doctor said my recovery would take a few weeks.
My last week was supposed to be this previous week, but my surgeon gave me an extra week (this week) of medical leave because I'm still not at 100% (I'm roughly at 70-80%).
At work, we were a team of 8, but we lost four people recently. Now another one is leaving next week for another company. With my leave, that's 3 people, but one is leaving next week.
So my team leader is putting a lot of pressure on me to come back, calling me every day to have me confirm my return date. It is currently planned for next week.
The thing is that I've spoken informally with several other doctor friends and they all call my surgeon crazy for giving me "so little" recovery time, saying that surgeons are requested to give as little recovery time as possible. And these doctors all say they're ready to extend my medical leave, should I need it.
I miss working. I'm bored at home, but I physically can't work 8 hours straight without having to lie down for a few hours in between. That's just impossible right now and I strongly doubt I'll be able to do so by next week, just like the other doctors think. I know I can't because I miss so much programming that I'm working some time (given my condition, that means 4 hours per day, max, usually 2-3) on my personal (non-commercial) programming project, and I need to stop to go lie down for a few hours before continuing.
Given that one of my colleague is in his last week, the team planned a goodbye event on Wednesday and I agreed to come. I know I'll have a hard time explaining "hey, I can come for 2 hours to lunch with you, but I can't come back to work right now".
I feel like I'm stuck between several parts: my need to rest, my boredom, my surgeon saying I should go back to work, my social need to say goodbye to that friendly colleague, my "kind-of-need" to save the team (since 1 dev isn't viable at all for the good of the project), my project manager insisting on me coming back ASAP.
I've thought about requesting to work from home, but from experience, that's something my PM would say no to.
I'm a bit lost. What should I do? What should I say to whom?