I work in IT for a medium size distributer. We often have to make changes or inform employees of outages. So far we have been sending out global messages to every employee in the company informing them of the steps they will need to take, then informing the management team to reiterate to employees to read them.
The problem is that employees simply do not read these communications and the management team does not reiterate to them to read them. We have tried all we can think of, a few recent titles as we went though a migration.
"IMPORTANT: New Steps for Email Access"
"Please read to prevent loss of access to email"
"Imminent email loss, please read"
We have sent these emails out over the course of ~2 months, many times sending them multiple times per week. Yet each time we perform a partial cutover we get hammered with calls, users simply stating "I never saw the email" or "I never read it."
We asked managers to distribute paper copies, to post messages on boards in remote offices. Yet each time employees say they have not seen any notices. In polls less than 10 percent said they read the message.
We are a small team so the ~200 calls we receive after EACH of the cutovers sometimes daily, causes massive issues.
Are we simply not doing this correctly? What is the best way to report changes to ~1000 employees as out current way reach. The instructions are simple, usually just "Use your email and password to login" but employees just do not read them.