I'm working for a startup (~20 employees) for exactly 1 year and 1 month. In total, I have about 1 year and 7 months of experience.
I like working for this company, even though sometimes it's pretty stressful. Anyway, I did a perfect job during the last year, and it got recognized during the appraisal of 20 days ago. The director and the CTO gave me very good "grades" and they told me that they really like to work with me, and they didn't expect that I would be so impactful and important for the company in such a short time (< 1 year). For these reasons, they gave me a salary raise of about 4.8% and a bonus of 4% of my yearly salary (the bonus has been given only to 3-4 people in the company).
While it's great that people recognize your work, I felt a bit disappointed, because I expected a higher increase (I guess that 3-4% increase is the norm where I live, so I didn't get much more). So my "amazing work" has been basically recognized through words and bonus only. Also, another reason of why I expected more is because I'm basically the only guy working in that position, so I'm the only one able to do that specific job. Regardless of the HUGE amount of work, I always delivered on time, and never got a complaint, only "compliments".
As a side note: two weeks ago a consultant has been hired for the same job but in a senior role (he has > 30 years of experience), since there is too much work to do.
Now the "problem" is that I just received an informal offer from another company which consists of a higher salary of about ~23% per year. I'm very interested in the offer, both for the job duties and for the salary. Indeed, while I like working for my company, a 23% salary difference is quite huge (however I also have to relocate to another city, so that's another reason to stay where I currently am).
Of course, the offer is not finalized yet, as I still have to do the proper interviews. But I'd like to think about future scenarios, since this is not the only offer I received (but it's certainly the most interesting).
I'd also like to point out that I'm not actively looking for another job. Employers are looking at my Linkedin profile and they are contacting me.
So to summarize the whole picture: I like to work for my company and I'd like to stay, but at the same time I'd like a higher salary, due to the amazing work I'm doing and to other offers I'm receiving.
So, when I will receive a real offer from another company, I'd like to go to my boss(es) and say something along these lines: "I was not actively looking for another job, not at all, but I received different offers in the past weeks anyway. I'd like to stay here because I like the job, the environment, etc., but there is a big salary discrepancy which at the end will convince me to work for another company. Is there something we can arrange?"
Do you think that this is a good strategy?