I recently was asked to take a hybrid leadership/development role with the client I am working for. I will be billing at a higher rate and responsible for reporting and other administrative tasks.
I am not concerned about my leadership skills, as I have led teams before. However, in this role I am not really the boss of the team -- I can't make staffing decisions and am largely only responsible for reporting on my teams status to the next level up. I will be billing at ~150% of what my teammates are billing.
My concern is that my team consists of people who all started before me and have a tremendous amount of development experience that I lack. How will this team respect me when they know my technical skills are, well, lacking at best -- at least in comparison with them. All of them would have been good choices for the leadership position I am taking.
Are these justifiable concerns? How can I help to alleviate the frustration that some of my team members could potentially feel?
Related: this question, however, these aren't expert senior level teammates i'll be looking after. Entry level and a step above.
EDIT: I really want to clarify based off some of the comments/answers. I am not moving to a management position. I am also not worried in my ability to lead the team. I largely was worried about how my former equals will feel about this transition and how I can alleviate some of the concerns they will have. And as many posters have pointed out, for the most part -- be a good leader and let them get over it is plenty of advice.