I've applied to a number of places, and so far things have been going well.
The problem is in the timing of the interviews.
So far, I've had 2 rounds of in-person interviews with company A, one in-person interview with company B, and a phone screening with company C.
I'm fairly sure that company A will make an offer. Company B outright said that I should expect to be called in for a second in-person interview. Company C has contacted me to schedule an in-person interview.
The problem is this: company C is the closest match to the work environment I am looking for. However, the dates for the in-person interview they're asking me to choose from are in roughly 2 weeks.
I'm concerned about getting an offer from company A before I even get the interview with company C. Even company B might get that second interview scheduled, and follow up with an offer, before I have a chance to interview with company C.
I haven't responded to company C yet (the request came in during round 2 of my interview with company a). Is there a way I can try to get them to see me earlier without giving a bad impression?