I wish to negotiate a change in my employment status from Full-time telecommute worker to Part-time telecommute contractor.
For context: I am a Systems Engineer in Australia and the company is a small 'start-up' (<10 people) with an even smaller IT department (2 people). The purpose of changing work agreements is so I can travel whist working and work for other businesses.
I wish to begin negotiating the change via email; where I can better articulate my case in writing - I am not the most assertive person. I would then hope to have an in person meeting with my General Manager to discuss and provide elaboration where needed but I see the email as where I make my strongest case.
- Does this kind of correspondence help or hinder my chances?
- Would an in-person meeting/phone call to give a 'heads up' of my intentions be better. Then I say I will email/mail my formal 'proposal' to my GM. Then we discuss in person.
- Should I also correspond/negotiate with my 'supervisor' (Engineering Manager - EM) or just the GM? The GM hired me. I report to the EM about technical things but not employment or contract related things.