Out of curiosity, when a recruiter is asking what salary do you have in mind, I have read and a lot of people have told me to answer with a range. For example, $90,000 to $99,000 instead of $95,000. In theory, this will show that you are a more adaptive person.
Multiple times on my call with the recruiter, they would reply "We offer the minimum, $90,000". I stopped using this strategy after multiple responses where the minimum was proposed.
Let's say that I have $95,000 in mind and in my current field in my area, it is over the market. I feel that using the range strategy $95,000-$105,000 to be sure to get $95,000 is the way to go. Can this offend some recruiter with the thinking $95,000 is over the market, and asking for $105,000 this guy is crazy!?
So, what are the advantage to propose a range?