I will be applying for an open position within my company, this position is looking mostly for external candidates. Last time I applied and was interviewed for the position, the interview was understandably geared more towards external candidates.
This time around I have an idea of making a Power Point presentation outlining to my boss (and possibly one of the executives if they're in the interview as well), why they should promote me into the position rather than look externally for someone.
I know it's highly unorthodox to do something like that in an interview, and I feel like it would answer a lot of questions they would be asking me anyways, plus would highlight why looking externally isn't as great of an idea as they think. I also feel like it will just be geared towards external candidates again and there won't be a whole lot my boss can ask me anyways.
Would a Power Point be too out there? Or should I just stick to the 'traditional' format of an interview and just answer what questions I can?