I currently work part-time, and am looking for another job which will also need to be part-time. There are almost no part-time jobs advertised in my field (IT project management), so I have been applying for full-time roles and stating in my covering letter that I know it's a full-time role but I think I'm a good fit and I'd like to talk about how I could make it work part-time. I also say that I want to explore all the options and am willing to be flexible.
I am not getting interviews, even for roles where I would expect to be a good candidate. I suspect that being up front about wanting part-time work is putting me at a disadvantage in the sift. Would it be acceptable to apply for full-time roles and only raise that I want to work part time at interview (assuming I get one!)?
The roles I am applying for are generally in universities and not-for-profits. People I know who work for the organisations I am applying to all tell me that flexible working is common and it is very unusual for a request to go part-time to be turned down - after you have been recruited to a full-time role. Some have suggested I work full-time for a few months then ask to reduce my hours, but I am uncomfortable with this ethically and with the risk and disruption to my childcare arrangements!