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Questions tagged [daily-standups]

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4 votes
1 answer

Dealing with Boss that berates workers in standup meetings

I am an electronic hardware designer and have never worked in HR. When you see a boss berate workers in front of others daily, in daily stand up meetings it makes me cringe whether I am the ...
Autistic's user avatar
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36 votes
13 answers

How to politely ask an employee to avoid *personal* texting during meetings?

I have an employee at a mid-size IT startup who is texting during our Daily Standup meetings. It's just a text or two at a time, but it's obviously personal. They get emotionally aroused, tune out of ...
Therac's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

How should I present my work when I repeatedly run into unexpected roadblocks?

I'm a software developer. When my team meets for our daily standups, our business analyst/project managers attend the meeting as well in order to gauge the team's progress. 9 times out of 10, this ...
Kevin's user avatar
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4 votes
7 answers

All Day Meeting Voice Call?

I work on with a fairly small development team (4), and we normally do daily standups and check-ins at days end. Recently we have started a required all day voice call meeting in teams with all the ...
displayName's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

nothing to say in daily scrum stand up

My work is pending because I need a permission from someone outside the scrum team. The scrum master knows about this issue because I said that yesterday and today in the stand up. What I'm thinking ...
Dalal Mansour's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

New employee - Remote working - daily update call with FD - what should I say? Please help

To provide you with a background, I just joined a company in the Finance team exactly a month back. Just after 2 weeks of joining we started remotely working due to the situation with COVID-19. Ever ...
Samantha's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Being late frustrates my coworkers, but I have great results [closed]

I work an IT office job as a programmer. I program on my own because I'm the only one who is proficient in a certain technology stack the company uses but I am part of a scrum team so we have regular ...
user1884155's user avatar
45 votes
5 answers

How to avoid making self and former employee look bad when reporting on fixing former employee's work?

A former employee in good standing has changed jobs. Unfortunately a lot of their work just prior to leaving did not satisfy some acceptance criteria found by QA, and had other bugs. I'm picking up ...
user1821961's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Agile daily meeting: how to politely ask coworkers to wait for questions rather than preemptively answering them all?

A brief definition of agile daily meeting is: Each day at the same time, the team meets so as to bring everyone up to date on the information that is vital for coordination: each team members ...
user95404's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is our daily meeting really useless?

I work in a service centre of about 30-40 people (essentially developers) who work together in smaller teams. Most of these teams have their own "normal" stand-up meeting in the morning : everyone ...
Green's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How can I influence a stand up meeting as a participant and not a leader

I asked a question a while back about taking notes at a stand up. Since then, I have been asked by my team leader to step back as the stand up leader and take a more passive role, so to still ...
SaggingRufus's user avatar
55 votes
10 answers

Taking notes during a daily stand up?

Recently our team has decided to take part in daily stand up meetings. The team is very small (4 or 5 people including myself) everything I have read online says not to take minutes/notes at the daily ...
SaggingRufus's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to keep a scrum "stand-up" meetings in a non-agile environment beneficial?

I work with a relatively small (6 people) Software Configuration Management team in what would be considered a more traditional or "non-agile" environment; however, within the past year our CM lead ...
John's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Dealing with egos during daily stand-ups [duplicate]

For the past 1 year and a half I have been having daily stand-ups with my development teams. For the most part I have had no problems, and find that these are an excellent way with identifying ...
bobo2000's user avatar
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