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-4 votes
2 answers

Can my employer change the terms of my compensation in my employement contract, and do I have to agree with it? [closed]

Location: Ontario, Canada. I'm current a full time employee at a small company in Ontario, Canada. My employment contract states that my yearly salary is X, and that I'm entitled to a bonus every year,...
DMfiend's user avatar
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24 votes
5 answers

How to ask about potential breach before signing employment agreement

I just recently accepted a job offer and was sent the official employment agreement that I need to sign. I was reviewing the document and I noticed a clause that said I may be required to make ...
bassicplays's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

Unemployment benefit: living in Canada, have worked in Germany [closed]

I have worked for 1 year and 3 months in Germany, and I was entitled to unemployment insurance in Germany up to six months with %60-%70 of my salary. I have recently moved to Canada, and I am ...
Saj_Eda's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Are Employer pension plan and EI contributions necessary in Canada?

Is it alright that there is no mention of Canada pension plan and EI contributions in an employment contract or in the letter of employment offer? Do these happen automatically at predefined rates and ...
sequence's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Employment contract in a small company

A small Canadian company sent me an offer of employment in which there is nothing said about my salary figures (which does not concern me, as I and my employer have discussed this verbally). The only ...
sequence's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How (and if) to ask to be paid for overtime (Ontario Engineer) [duplicate]

So I'm in a bit of a tricky situation right now, and would like some advice. Here is the relevant background information: I am a salaried employee (engineer in training) based in Ontario, Canada. ...
ballBreaker's user avatar
41 votes
3 answers

Asked to shave facial hair after a pub discussion with team members who took offence

I work in a 75+ person office which, as far as I can tell, is culturally diverse and accommodating. A couple weeks ago my colleagues and I went out for beers and got in a discussion about the ...
Buck Doe's user avatar
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