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29 votes
7 answers

Applying for work when on "personal development plan"?

After 9 months of employment at a company, I've been told my performance needs to improve in some areas, and have been put on a personal development plan because my performance has been inconsistent ...
ignoring_gravity's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

UK - Dye my hair blue - Can this be an issue? [closed]

Country: England - UK Field: Software Development (Not customer facing) I was at the work summer party the other day, and asked my boss if I could dye my hair blue; he's pretty high up the chain (CTO)...
TolMera's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can my manager make me wait around till shop is more busy without pay? [closed]

Context: I work at a restaurant in the UK. I am new and haven't yet completed the online training Program's I have been asked to complete. It's pretty much a zero hour contract (I think it's 12 hours) ...
lwce215's user avatar
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