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Got a job offer but still interviewing other companies. Do's and dont's? [duplicate]

I'm currently employed at A. I want some change and salary increase so I started interviewing other companies and I'm also interviewing for another position in A. I got a good job offer from B, with ...
JayZ's user avatar
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Sales representative salary. What is the meaning of base salary with comission percentage

I am a 42 years old french man. I could be interested in working abroad. Today I was contacted by the human resources manager of a big company. She wanted to offer me: 34 k base with 60% commission . ...
grégory's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

What does the "Startup spirit" mention truly imply? [closed]

The application is not for a startup, the company claims to have over 200 employees. A decent job offer in France I'm reading mentions "Startup spirit guaranteed" among the list of attractive reasons ...
Bebs's user avatar
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How to accept a **Promise of hiring** (promesse d'embauche)

I received a legal document called promise of hiring 2 hours ago. I translated it from French to English on Google Translate, so nevermind the errors. Hello Hani,   As a result of our discussion, I ...
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