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Questions tagged [france]

Questions about the workplace that may specifically relate to cultures, customs, or laws in France.

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6 votes
2 answers

How to specify my foreign degree in my resume?

I'm actually writing my resume to apply in California. I'm French and I don't know how to translate my study. I studied for 2 years at a French university (2ème année de Licence Maths/Physique-Chimie/...
9 votes
5 answers

Colleague overloaded with work, does not realize problem

TL;DR: My colleague receives way too much work and intends to work on holidays, without realizing the problem let alone airing it to management. How can I convince her to discuss with her manager? "...
-4 votes
3 answers

gap in resume for political reason

So, i am currently having a 2 year gap in my resume, that i can justify, but it would have me disclose political activity (those activity are not illegal, but are pretty fringe political wise) ...
-2 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to work long hours in France?

I do like, have liked in the past, to work long hours occasionally -- as a software developer, but maybe anyone who enjoys their work or maybe learning something may relate. hacking run: n. [analogy ...
0 votes
1 answer

France: What Happens to unemployment benefits if I decide to personally stop my probation period, start a new position that doesn't work out either?

I'm actually in my probation period in company A. I didn't like that work and it's not interesting for me. So I decided to leave after 4 months. In that case I wont be getting any unemployment ...
2 votes
2 answers

Change in UK employment to French contractor: What to look out for? [closed]

I am a British citizen and live in the UK. I am employed by the UK branch of a French company. Apparently, in October, a change to UK legislation may make the UK branch -- which has very few employees ...
2 votes
3 answers

Negotiate for increased days off instead of salary

Short version : How best to negotiate increased number of days off (or "equivalents" : working part time (80-90%), accumulating extra hours as days off) instead of higher salary? Long ...
1 vote
3 answers

Job research with pending degree validation

I am currently finishing a masters degree, but I know that my college is extremely slow for diploma validation. Between one or two months between the end of the year and the deliberation, after wich ...
102 votes
5 answers

Why do job listings specify M//F in the title?

I often see M/F in the description of software developer jobs, e.g. in countries like Germany, France, and Switzerland. I assume that m/f means "male or female". I'm wondering: Why specify ...
-4 votes
4 answers

How to confirm and handle double standards in promotions?

I joined about nine months ago a company where I started a new position in a computer science R&D department, which itself properly began several months before that. In this department are three ...
55 votes
5 answers

Manager that is mad because I won't work during sick leave

In France, we have strong sick leave laws, with the prohibition of work : If you are in a work stoppage (due to work-related or non-work-related illness or accident at work), you must refrain from ...
5 votes
4 answers

Am I compelled to take sick days?

Some background is needed here. I'm a young worker from an IT company, so I'm lacking experience to deal with my current situation. I'm not quite the strong guy who can resist everything and be fine, ...
5 votes
3 answers

How to approach IT security and legal issues with unwilling boss?

I am working as an apprentice in a very small company, and, although sizable amount of money and IP (Intellectual Property) pass by our company, IT Security and presence of legally obliged documents ...
-5 votes
1 answer

What are the long-term benefits/consequences of leaving an average, comfortable job in France for a high-paying job in UAE?

My profile: I am French, single, I graduated from an engineering school in 2016, worked as Computer Vision engineer for two years, and did a PhD in AI (in a very large R&D company) which I ...
-7 votes
1 answer

Speculative application by mail after not receiving answers by e‑mail… Is it still relevant for small companies?

My case : I’m in the process of searching an apprenticeship in the south of the United States for my French’s (not mainland) master degree with my wage reimbursed up to the minimal French wage by my ...
3 votes
6 answers

Professional reaction broken promises and no tasks from manager

I have very recently experienced a rather uncomfortable situation. Here is a quick recap of the events: Early last year I got an offer for a pre-employment (not sure if this is the correct term) while ...
18 votes
8 answers

How can I politely and delicately ask my future coworkers what are the working hour without sounding lazy

In 2022, I'm going to join a new Team in a new city at my company HQ. The place is known, maybe wrongfuly, to be an hard place to work at. Moreover, France is well known for its presenteeism culture ...
0 votes
1 answer

Bonus does not match negotiated amount

I am working in France as a consultant. When recruited one year ago, my company could not afford to pay me the yearly salary I requested, but my boss offered to double the bonus I would get for ...
39 votes
6 answers

How do you shake hands with women at work in France without being rude?

I'm a French programmer, I was born in France and have lived here my entire life, kissing friends and family on the cheek on a daily basis without any trouble. In most French companies, there is an ...
111 votes
8 answers

Boss says I'm stubborn when I don't agree

I work in industrial automation, and as part of a project, we had to install a light barrier around a turn table to keep operators safe. Upon noticing that this light barrier was not sufficient (could ...
-4 votes
1 answer

How to apply to a company where the technical recruiter wanted to fire me 12 years ago?

I just graduated from my bachelor in computing and I’m looking for a 2 years apprenticeship for my Master degree. It’s been 2 months I’m searching and most colleges want a signed promise to hire in 2 ...
0 votes
3 answers

Cleaning common areas of the office

Due to Covid, my company (industrial automation, in France) has set up a cleaning calendar. Every month, an empty calendar is posted, and we are required to sign up to be in charge of cleaning for one ...
9 votes
5 answers

Been at a company 9 months, never received training

I was brought on at a company 9 months ago as part of a work study program in France (industrial automation). This is my first job, so I wasn't sure what was normal in terms of being totally lost and ...
2 votes
2 answers

Stuck working on project no clear goals

I am currently working on a master's degree in robotics. I have a job as part of a work study program from a French school. During the interview, I was presented with plenty of interesting robotics ...
34 votes
7 answers

Work study program, I can't get bosses to give me work

I am in a work study program in France, and I have been with a company every other month now for 3 months (and three months of school). I am studying a pretty specific subject, and my bosses have put ...
9 votes
3 answers

Should we help a colleague against his will?

I am working in a team of 20 people, in which we all get along quite well. One of our colleagues has a very heavy workload he cannot share, and has had a few professional setbacks lately, and is ...
30 votes
7 answers

My boss makes me use cracked software. How should I react?

I work as an engineer for a very small company which is specialized in mechanical engineering design & simulation. Since I arrived here almost 2 years ago, we have been using cracked softwares to ...
13 votes
3 answers

CEO names COVID-19 affected employee to whole firm [closed]

I work in a French company with ~100 employees. I tested positive for Covid-19, then immediately contacted my N+1 (= direct supervisor) to list the 2 people I have been in contact with at work, with ...
148 votes
23 answers

Fired because your skills are too far above your coworkers

I have been working for five months for a big French company building great things, a good product with trend methodologies. I've just learned from an internal coworker (technical expert) that I will ...
0 votes
3 answers

How should I prepare for my SECOND probation interview in June, given the detail? [closed]

I work for a research team in a large company in France, and today I've had my probationary interview. Normally, if things go quite right, they guarantee the position after the interview, or if not, ...
2 votes
2 answers

Sudden change in manager's behavior toward me - what does it mean and how can I get things under control?

I started a job in January in a big company in France directly managed by the head of one research team. Since three or four weeks, I've noticed a change in his behavior toward me. Having spent a lot ...
6 votes
2 answers

Internship broken off before contract - no payment

My friend (university student) was supposed to work with a businessman/lawyer for her internship this year, and before any contract was signed, she worked ~40 hours for him. He promised they would ...
2 votes
2 answers

Guarantee on job duties for contracting work

I have searched about the subject but I couldn't find an answer, therefore I am asking here. For an engineer who wants to work, sometimes it's possible to work at company A which then deploys the ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to start freelancing after a half academic career [closed]

This question is related, but I am on the other end of my career: aged 60, retired in 3 years. I worked all my professional life in the same organization (CEA, the French organization making French ...
1 vote
3 answers

How can I ensure my technical skills are solid enough to succeed?

I graduated in Computer Science in 2018. I landed in a java project for my first job, I lacked java skill( I have a c background) and understanding of the product my team was working on. My team ...
1 vote
2 answers

Negotiaiting a raise without wanting to leave the job

For context, I'm in France. It's been now more than a year that I'm employed by this company, and more than 2 years that I'm at my current position (I was hired as a temp through an interim agency ...
65 votes
10 answers

Resigning a couple of months before an event : is it abusive resignation?

I'm currently working as a software developer for a small company (9 persons) in France. For different reasons, mostly because I feel at a dead end in this job and I don't see any ways how this could ...
17 votes
6 answers

Am I obligated to work with my sexist coworker?

I have been working in company Z for a year now. I get along very well with most of my coworkers except for one who is sexist. This coworker is older than me and has been working for the company for ...
71 votes
8 answers

Where should I draw the line on follow up questions from previous employer

I left my previous job a couple weeks ago, in very good terms with everyone there. Since then, I often get texts or phone calls from my ex-manager, asking about stuff. Some questions are benign, ...
8 votes
5 answers

Does "let's see other people" makes sense in the workplace?

TL;DR: I want to quit my job, take time to think, look at other jobs, and maybe get hired back if both me and my boss feel like it. How can I proceed ? There are similar questions but my plan is ...
4 votes
2 answers

Obscure technical questions in interview for internship

I'm a graduate engineering student in France, on the last year of my degree. As is customary in most (if not all) French engineering schools, I'm looking for a 6-month-long internship to complete my ...
1 vote
1 answer

Switching internship subjects after the interview

Yesterday, I went to an interview with a well-known foreign technology company which has some activity in my country (France), for my end-of-studies internship. There were three internship subjects ...
6 votes
2 answers

Handling a conventional termination negotiations [closed]

I'll start by saying i'm not sure this is the right place to ask this but i really need a second opinion on this. I've worked for a french software consulting company for nealry 5 years now, all of ...
8 votes
3 answers

How can I ask for help with my handicap not being able to write?

I'm a software engineering student that will be starting an internship soon. But I got a big disability that can't be seen. I can read text perfectly but I can't write on paper (which is usually not a ...
5 votes
6 answers

Why would the employer ask you to suggest a raise?

Apparently here in France there is an obligation to have the salary reviewed annually. So, in the first annual meeting, my line manager asked me to suggest what raise I would like... How is one even ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to respond to a potential job opportunity on LinkedIn if only the compensation could make me consider it

I found a job as developer, which I really like for the atmosphere/life and working condition which are quite good given the industry. I'm currently only dissatisfied with my salary, which slightly ...
8 votes
3 answers

Should one tell their boss before looking for a new position, if one feel hard to replace and underpaid?

I just had my salary negotiation yesterday and my chief said my performance this year was great, I fit well with the team, they didn't expect that, etc... Yet I will not get any raise this year. I ...
6 votes
4 answers

Do employers care about where you did your Bachelor if you have a Master's?

I'm currently doing my Bachelor at EPFL, a top rated university for computer science (top 10-20 worldwide) but also very difficult. I was pondering whether or not I am wasting my time since I am ...
3 votes
3 answers

Workplace and coming out, bad idea? [closed]

I've had quite a heated argument with a friend of mine recently. This argument concerned the fact that my friend is gay, and is planning on coming out at his workplace. From my POV doing so is both ...
30 votes
5 answers

Unethical behavior : should I report it? [closed]

One of the ex-company I worked with, was a hell hole, with abusive bosses, the CEO who fired people because they dared to contradict him and all sort of twisted behavior like allowing people to come ...