Questions tagged [hourly]

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6 answers

If hourly worker refuses to finish task off the clock, can boss reduce hours? [closed]

Hourly employee didn't finish work during shift, employer asks you to do it off clock, you refuse, can they retaliate by not giving more paid opportunities?
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3 votes
3 answers

Does it look bad if I leave early as an hourly employee?

I'm an hourly employee who works 40 hour weeks at a small office. Yesterday I left early (About 40 minutes) because I just wasn't being productive anymore. As an hourly employee, I get paid based on ...
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1 vote
7 answers

What does "salaried" vs. "hourly" mean in a European (?) context?

I am confused about the meaning of "salaried" vs. "hourly" payment, when it comes to matching it up with work life as I know it. I think I know the abstract definition; to ...
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