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3 answers

What are my rights regarding IP (in UK) when there was no written contract and business never paid fully for the code

Hope you will be able to help me here. I do not really know if this is the correct place to ask such questions. In 2014 I started to work for a certain company – the setup was that I was hired by my ...
PawelKosi's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

The Value and ownership of programming interview questions for developers

During taking interviews for developer positions, it is common to ask to provide snippets of code that fulfill specific requirements. Therefore, recently I was asked to create an entire application ...
Anna's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

Can I reuse the code of an application written in my spare time if it has been deployed and used in the internal company network?

I have written a small application to offer a service to all employees where I work. This was done outside of work almost 100% using my personal laptop (only small fixes were done at work mostly ...
Alexei's user avatar
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31 votes
6 answers

How to approach protecting my code as a research assistant? Should I be worried in the first place?

I am an undergraduate working as a research assistant for a university, primarily alongside a supervisor. While I have my own project, my job still has me assisting my supervisor in his main research. ...
user107627's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

I developed code and "donated" it my workplace to speed things up. Now do they own that code? [closed]

I work at a small startup as a full stack developer. We previously used PHP to develop all of our applications and I told my boss we should eventually move to C# which he agreed. Over the coming ...
Brad's user avatar
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