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Questions tagged [parental-leave]

For situations about parental leave, including maternity, paternity, and adoption leave

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3 votes
2 answers

Parental leave during trial period

As a kind of follow up to a previous question of mine, I have finally found a new job. It has been confirmed that I am the company's #1 pick for the position, and I will have the final interview soon, ...
mrodo's user avatar
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Starting a new job but continuing on Maternity leave from the first one

Can you start a new job while staying on maternity leave? The new job is remote. I am considering keeping both jobs, but the remote one won't wait. I can be on leave until mid-January Because I had a ...
Suany 's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Manager on maternity leave is giving orders

I have taken the manager role for a colleague in maternity leave. She is still involved in the company, requests to be consulted on day-to-day operations, filled-in on employee arguments, and gives ...
justme's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Communicating UK shared parental leave to US manager

some background: I work in the UK as a software developer for a US technology company. My line manager is based in the US. My wife and I are expecting a child. My wife is taking 6 months of leave ...
hector01's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How should I request family leave when I will also need maternity leave later?

I started a new job a few months ago, 3 months after I had my first baby. My new team generously waited for me to finish maternity leave before my start date (as I had interviewed with them when I was ...
giraffe306's user avatar
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Internal Transfer and Maternity Leave

I've been a mid-level software developer at a large company for about 1.5 years. My performance reviews are very good and my manager is happy with my work. I'm planning to take maternity leave in ...
c36's user avatar
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3 answers

Can I leave my job right after finishing parental leave in California?

I'm on paid parental leave in California in the United States. What considerations do I have to or should I make if I'd like to leave my job right after parental leave? Do I legally have obligations ...
engineer's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Should I tell my superior I'm thinking of leaving now (start of paid parental leave), after finishing paid parental leave, or when I have a new job?

I'm in a high-paying Senior Software Engineer role at a top tech company with excellent benefits, just starting 16 weeks of paid parental leave, in the San Francisco Bay area in California, with a low ...
engineer's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Leaving job on/ before end of maternity leave

I would like to get a technical insight on option of leaving the job on end of maternity leave / back to work day. Due to some personal family reasons after maternity I am currently in dilemma of ...
user123825's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Excluded from company award - maternity leave

My company gave yearly awards recently. I learned that my whole team got one for "great customer implementations". I'm on maternity leave which started in October but I did the same job as ...
Ola_S's user avatar
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3 answers

Could I request paternity leave while I am on two weeks notice?

I found a job out of state (east coast USA), and it starts January 19. Due to the complications of moving and also family obligations, I can't really work effectively during the normal two-week notice ...
Caffeinated's user avatar
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Start of enhanced shared parental leave

I live in the UK and my company offers enhanced shared parental leave for which I get full pay for 8 weeks. My plan was to take the paid leave after my wife has taken 6 months of maternity leave. ...
maupertius's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Short-time work (Kurzarbeit) instead of parental leave (Elternzeit) and parental money (Elterngeld) in Germany?

I would have a parental leave (Elternzeit) for 3 months starting soon (already announced to the company so all fine from this side). Now, however, my company asked me if I instead of the parental ...
derHugo's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

When should I tell my boss I'm pregnant

I work as IT contractor in US located small startup. I’ve been working there for 3 years. I live in another country and work remotely. I'm wondering how women usually notify the company about their ...
Marta's user avatar
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Can expectant fathers schedule paternity leave ahead of time?

As we all know, a pregnant woman has a due date. Suppose that the due date for my wife is March 5, and my company allows a generous paternity leave policy of 3 months (for both mom & dad). Can ...
Caffeinated's user avatar
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6 answers

Changing your mind about parental leave

After the birth of our son, I (husband) chose not to take parental leave (Elternzeit), which in Germany is guaranteed by law. My boss asked if I would want to go, and I said "no". However, my ...
Gray Sheep's user avatar
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How can I get equivalent unpaid time off, since I won't need parental leave

On top of maternity/paternity pay, my (UK) employer offers "parental leave" to any parent: this is the option to take additional unpaid leave. Parent's are offered the option to take up to 9 weeks ...
ianinini's user avatar
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54 votes
10 answers

How do I tell my supervisor that he is choosing poor replacements for me while I am on maternity leave?

About at month after telling my supervisor that I was pregnant, I presented him with a list of recommendations for people in my office whom I thought could cover my various roles while I am on ...
AStrike's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I change my notice period while on maternity leave?

I have told my current employer that at the end of my maternity leave (June 1st) I will not be returning to work. They have sent me an official acceptance of resignation letter. I have now been ...
Olive's user avatar
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Is it concerning for a small US employer to not have have a maternity leave policy in the job offer?

I was recently made a job offer by a US firm (for our purposes, a sub-50-person tech startup with significant VC support). I was surprised to see that there was nothing about maternity/paternity ...
Mark_Anderson's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

Skilled junior employee critical of her seniors

I have a highly talented junior employee in the role of scrum master. She’s outperformed on most tasks and is starting to take on a larger role on the project. As the manager I’ve assigned multiple ...
JPK's user avatar
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Job offer withdrawn due to parental leave

I applied as a software developer to a small to mid sized software company in Germany. Both my home and the company are in a relatively small town (~100k population) so there are not a lot, though ...
Jannick's user avatar
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1 answer

How to handle unfair workplace policies in Ireland? [closed]

I am pregnant and struggling with insomnia and my commute doesn't help the situation. I asked my manager if I could work at home and he said no. Naturally, I am not impressed with the situation. I'm a ...
user1261710's user avatar
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How to reply to a recruiter if I am going on maternity leave soon?

A recruiter from a high-profile company that I'd like to work for has reached out to me on LinkedIn. The trouble is I'm going on maternity leave in September and it's probably not a good time to ...
user1261710's user avatar
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1 answer

Got kicked out of the office while on maternity leave [closed]

While on maternity leave I was notified by the office supervisor that my office is given to someone else. they packed all of my belongings prior to notifying me. my office will be given to someone ...
Kickout's user avatar
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1 answer

When to notify employer you are not returning from maternity leave [duplicate]

Repost: As is a common practice, my wife does not plan to return to work after maternity leave. Because this is a common occurrence, we are sure her employer must have some suspicions. When is the ...
Jeff Parker's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How/when to tell employer you're not coming back after maternity leave? [duplicate]

My wife is pregnant with our first child. She is currently working full-time and gets her insurance through her employer (which we need to pay for the pregnancy). The employer also offers 3-months ...
Jeff Parker's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Will pregnancy affect my chance of getting the job? [closed]

I applied for a position and when I got a call for the first interview o already knew I was about 10 weeks pregnant. I got called back for the second interview (which is in two days). After much ...
JaneDoe's user avatar
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3 answers

What to do when two weeks notice period overlaps with parental leave?

Starting the beginning of next month I will be taking two weeks off from work as paid parental leave. I now have reason to believe I will be receiving a job offer within the next few days here, with ...
Sloth Armstrong's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

When do I give notice to my employer if offered a job while on maternity leave?

I wasn't actively looking for a job while on leave, but I was alerted to an opportunity at a company worth better benefits and they offered me the job. I'm on maternity leave and am due to return to ...
Tamara Cullen's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

No employee handbook available, how can I check policy discretely?

I work for a pretty small company, but they have told me they are in the process of creating a handbook of policy, expectations, etc. I would like to know our maternity leave policy but am not yet ...
Wendy's user avatar
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1 answer

Balancing Personal and Home

I have been working for my company for 3 years now, have not "missed" or been late to work once. I have of course had sick days (>10). Recently, I have found out I am to be a father. As such, I have ...
DankyNanky's user avatar
3 votes
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What can I do to get a raise, when I take a long leave the same time I get a new CEO?

I will go on a 8 month paternity leave starting the same month my company gets a new CEO. The soon-to-be CEO has already started, but my current CEO will still work for a transition period until my ...
CG.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Looking for a part time role following maternity leave

I'm looking to return to work following maternity leave and want a part time role. I'd like to approach some employers directly (for unadvertised roles), do I need to state initially I'm looking for ...
franky's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Is this response from management to a casual harassment claim appropriate? [closed]

A number of my colleagues asked me some very rude questions after I came back from maternity leave. I was feeling sad because of the way my manager was treating me, and he was giving me horrible ...
user1261710's user avatar
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5 answers

Is my manager's attitude discriminatory? [closed]

My manager was persistently rude me to me and I asked him why and he said 'that having me back was a huge adjustment for him because women don't come back from maternity leave.' He said 'Come back? ...
user1261710's user avatar
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2 answers

Child birth before the end of waiting period for unpaid leave? [closed]

In the US, one organization's HR policy for leave states that one is eligible for unpaid leave for medical reasons, including child birth, for a period of up to 12 weeks. However, the waiting period ...
A.S's user avatar
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Is it best to move on after being harassed at work? [closed]

If you read my previous posts I've been harassed and mistreated after returning from maternity leave. How can I stop my colleagues being disrespectful about my personal life choices? I submitted a ...
Kerry's user avatar
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How can I stop my colleagues being disrespectful about my personal life choices?

I've been disrespected since coming back from maternity leave. I am trying to get the behavior to stop and I want to feel comfortable at work even talking to them in general without massive details ...
Kerry's user avatar
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Expecting too much from me after maternity leave [closed]

I started at the company as a junior game dev so I did QA and old legacy games. I did that for about a year. I thought it was an appropriate level for a fresh grad just out of university. I went on ...
aubz's user avatar
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What to ask about at the next job interview after a bad maternity leave experience? [closed]

If you've seen my previous posts I had a very bad experience coming back from maternity leave. I want to have another baby in the future and I'm wandering what might be some sneaky questions to ask ...
Kerry's user avatar
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5 answers

Inappropriate Comments After Returning From Maternity leave [duplicate]

I was only able to take a 3 month mat leave with my first child ( in my country you get a year off but it's only 50% of your pay ) because of my financial situation: I married a man from another ...
Kerry's user avatar
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How do I navigate after an uncomfortable hiccup at work?

I came back after maternity leave and requested a flexible working arrangement: work 2-3 days in the office and a few at home. As a software developer this is a very reasonable schedule. The only ...
aubz's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

What is the best time and way to tell your boss you are pregnant?

In an average company that would mean maternity-leave and so on. Some companies might not be supportive of such information especially if you started the job quite recently. So should you tell him/...
G.Rassovsky's user avatar
0 votes
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Vacation Etiquette After Short Maternity Leave

I took a short maternity leave (3 months) and returned to work. I had 3 weeks of remaining vacation time that I didn't take, so I booked the entire Christmas season off (Dec 12th to Jan 4th). I have ...
aubz's user avatar
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How do I stop awkward questions after maternity leave?

I went on maternity leave for 3 months with my first baby. I know I'm entitled to a year off but at only 50% of your pay with no top-ups and being the breadwinner makes that an impossible dream. I ...
aubz's user avatar
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How do I manage difficult ex boss returning from maternity leave?

My ex boss is about to return to work part time after maternity leave - we had previously worked together in our department for 6 years and although I never liked her much we got on fine. In her ...
abc's user avatar
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How can I persuade employer to allow me to telecommute after maternity leave is finished?

I am at an IT job that I was very fortunate to get, but hasn't been the best fit for me. However since this is a local government agency, people don't get terminated easily. When I was in my first ...
Glowie's user avatar
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Should I keep quiet about personal plans which might impact a demanding project my new employer has planned? [closed]

I have the offer to join a new company soon and they have a demanding project in the pipeline where I would have to work for at least a couple of years without any break apart from the legally granted ...
user18600's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Giving two-weeks notice when on maternity/paternity leave?

My wife is a nurse and is currently on maternity leave. For reasons with work life balance, she wishes to possibly look at another job for when she is ready to go back to work. She has a promising ...
maple_shaft's user avatar
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