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Questions tagged [religion]

Questions relating to situations in the Workplace that may intersect with religious practices, traditions, or cultural aspects of the ones involved. Please, make sure that the question (and answers) focuses on addressing the Professional part of the situation, and not the religious one.

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27 votes
16 answers

Do I have to attend a "Queer Town" workshop?

My work wants me to attend a workshop focused on LGBQI and intersex based topics. I know you cannot discriminate against people for their race, religion or sexual orientation but I feel like this is ...
Spruce's user avatar
  • 383
11 votes
10 answers

Telling a small lie to manage profession does hurt ? Religion and politics vs workplace

There will be a cultural based festival, and I was invited to that. But from my religious point of view it's 100% against of my principles. Actually it's just a new year festival, and it's based on ...
sandun dhammika's user avatar
23 votes
3 answers

Sabbath Exemption on Saturdays [closed]

At my interview with my employer I told them that the only day I can't work is Saturdays due to my religious beliefs. I was told that was fine as long as I was ok with working on Sundays as the need ...
Joyce Stafford's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

May I say "Christ is Risen" at Easter in a workplace context? [closed]

Happy Easter! I ask this question on the last working day before Easter. I work in a mostly online/remote environment with all of the employees in Australia, Switzerland, England, Spain, South Africa, ...
Kanga Roo's user avatar
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-6 votes
1 answer

Particular religious festivities that are occuring highlighted during a whole company meeting. Should I highlight this?

During a whole company meeting, in the first half of this year, there was an occasion in which two members of the company, one Jewish and the other Muslim, gave an overview of Passover and Eid, ...
user avatar
142 votes
19 answers

Muslim colleague is uncomfortable with 1:1 meeting and work culture — to what degree should I accommodate?

A female Muslim employee recently joined my team. I work in IT — cybersecurity as a the technical lead / team lead. She is considered to directly report to me. I am in the USA. As a manager, I believe ...
Anthony's user avatar
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38 votes
7 answers

How to explain in application that I am leaving due to my current employer starting to promote religion?

I worked for a Christian charity that has changed its policy in 2020, now moving from charity to mission. While I strongly supported the charity causes of said institution I do not see myself as a ...
Patric Hartmann's user avatar
71 votes
6 answers

Should I tell my manager that I'm not able to work on the weekend for religious reasons?

So the religion I follow does not permit working on our sabbath, which falls on Saturday. I specifically mentioned in my interview that there's no way I'd be able to work on Saturdays, but I didn't ...
user avatar
-6 votes
2 answers

Secular Holidays Conundrum

My coworkers are doing Halloween and Christmas at work, I'm a Messianic Jew, how do I avoid ruining my relationship with them?
Kreezxil's user avatar
  • 111
2 votes
2 answers

Boss refusing vacation after tentatively agreeing but ticket booked! [closed]

So for the entire month of August I have been indicating to my boss and my team that I would like to take vacation end of Nov/beg of Dec and was saving all my time for then. It was never a problem and ...
Poly23's user avatar
  • 77
47 votes
3 answers

I was reported to HR as being a satan worshiper

I'm not a satanist. I recently bought a phone case with the anti-possession star from the TV show Supernatural printed on it. It's a personal phone, but it's on my desk all day so I can see if I get a ...
Jared's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Performance reduction as result of religious accommodation [duplicate]

Employers, in the U.S., are obligated to provide various religious accommodations to their employees, e.g. reasonable prayer breaks etc. But some religious pracices require types of abstinence, such ...
amphibient's user avatar
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60 votes
4 answers

Declining welcome lunch invitation at new job due to Ramadan

I am starting a new position next month and I have been kindly invited to a team lunch. I would love to go, but due to the month of Ramadan I will be fasting during the day - no food or drinks allowed....
umutesen's user avatar
  • 391
-4 votes
1 answer

Forced resignation/sexual + religous harassment + injury [closed]

I applied and got a job around Thanksgiving, but I turned down the offer. The company gave my resume to a manager from a different company anyway. I was contacted a week before Christmas of 2018 ...
Ryan Patrick's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

What really is true equality [closed]

I have recently come upon a problem as an employer. I have a software company, and for the most part we have 1,2 big projects going at a time, and then smaller side projects. Sometimes deadlines are ...
user avatar
24 votes
5 answers

Rejecting religious rituals at office

I am an Indian female residing in India. I am a Hindu by birth and though religious, I do not let that reflect at my office. I am deployed at a client location for the last three months and ...
WonderWoman's user avatar
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157 votes
18 answers

Employee (my direct report) underperforming due to religious fasting - how to address?

As a line manager, I've "inherited" (from a previous boss who has left the company) an employee who carries out a fast (i.e., not eating) during the day for a period of time as part of a religious ...
user81798's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Should I tell my personal feelings to the director of a research lab where I participated in a study

Should I tell the director of a lab in a business school how I was personally affected about thier actions while participating in a study? I post this in "workplace" because even though I am a student ...
Karl's user avatar
  • 9
45 votes
12 answers

How to discuss unrelated religious service on resume

Background: I was fortunate enough to obtain an internship in software development when I was 16, and I've been working in a software development related role ever since (through summer jobs/...
kingsfoil's user avatar
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31 votes
6 answers

How do I greet someone when bowing is the default greeting but I'm unable to bow?

As a Muslim I am only allowed to bow and prostrate to God, not to other people. This is a problem in Japan, where bowing is considered a common greeting. How should I handle greetings at work and ...
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50 votes
6 answers

How to go around a colleague who keeps inviting me for religious activities?

I have a (very nice and professional) colleague who is from the same religion as me, we are the only two from our religion in the department and that maybe explains why he would enjoy me being his ...
Sandra K's user avatar
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39 votes
3 answers

What could be done as a going-away party for a coworker who observes Ramadan?

Our office has a tradition of doing a going-away lunch for colleagues moving onto new jobs or retiring. One of my teammates has accepted an offer and has announced his resignation, but he observes ...
David Millar's user avatar
70 votes
6 answers

How can I get out of extra on call duty, to cover for new coworkers religious obligations?

In our company one person from the team has to come to work on Saturday. We are a team of 4 so it comes to 1 Saturday per month (paid overtime). Recently 2 guys left and have been replaced by other ...
Dan's user avatar
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21 votes
10 answers

Conflict between one employee's claim of religious freedom and another's sexual orientation

I am the new manager of a sub-team of 6 employees within a larger team of 65 employees. We work for a large Fortune 50 company in the US. One of my employees, "Helen", was previously refusing to work ...
TangoFoxtrot's user avatar
136 votes
8 answers

How do I address poor performance that is exacerbated by religious practices?

My line report has poor attention to detail at the best of times. From typos to major coding errors to faulty numbers entering draft reports. I have raised these issues with him and we are resolving ...
user avatar
82 votes
5 answers

Should I list leadership experience when it was with a religious group I no longer believe in?

I was heavily involved with a religious group during college (a chapter of a mainstream organization, nothing extremist), ending as president. This involved a lot of planning, organizing and running ...
user812786's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to approach supervisor about religious accommodations?

I am a Muslim and a medical student in Australia and am assigned various clinical placements for roughly four weeks at a time. Those placements are in medical facilities (public hospitals, private [...
user59693's user avatar
  • 117
132 votes
7 answers

How does one politely decline a handshake due to religious reasons?

Muslims have some restrictions when it comes to interacting with members of the opposite sex. Usually many people in USA and Europe do not know that, for example, a Muslim man cannot shake hands with ...
user36054's user avatar
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