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Questions tagged [sickness]

Questions related to personal illness and time off for such causes.

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0 votes
3 answers

What is the best way to explain why I left last graduate scheme?

I experienced a brief period of illness that affected my ability to complete specific exams. Unfortunately, I was not given the opportunity to retake them due to company policy. Friends have told me ...
11 votes
2 answers

Can/should I expect a lactation room to be protected from sick people?

As a new mom, I've felt very lucky to have a workplace that makes no complaints about my need to pump and that has a room for that purpose. Unfortunately, that room is attached to the first aid room (...
-3 votes
7 answers

how do you deal with an intern who calls in sick frequently?

So this intern calls in sick at least once a month, sending a note in the morning. These were the last three occurrences: "I woke up feeling unwell so I have to call in sick today" "I ...
17 votes
7 answers

Embarrassment at work caused by a supervisor's reaction due to my shingles disease

I was recently diagnosed with shingles, I've done everything I've been advised to do by a doctor to minimize contact at work. Due to where the shingles has developed doctor has advised me I can return ...
-6 votes
2 answers

Can employees not use sick time if they call out sick without repercussions? [closed]

Here is the situation: Employee called out sick and gave a doctor's note to HR. HR said the doctors note was good. Employee than requested manager that manager not input sick time for the days absent. ...
1 vote
3 answers

Contractor: Sick Pay and Company Contract

I work as a contractor in the UK and am predominantly employed by one Company with whom I have a contract. There is a clause in my contract which states: In the event that the contractor is unable ...
13 votes
4 answers

Is there a law about sick days without medical certificate in Germany?

Aside of what is written on a job-contract, I would like to know if there is in Germany a general rule or law, that enables a worker to be sick for some days without having to bring to work a medical ...
2 votes
3 answers

Off work with depression / anxiety / stress, cannot get diagnosis, boss is annoyed (UK)

Ive only been at my new job for 4 weeks, and had to call in sick the last couple days due to my deteriorating mental health. It was already pretty bad originally but this job has sent me over the edge ...
14 votes
8 answers

How to handle staff member with excessive time off

We are a very small office and work directly with customers who call in and walk in. This is not the type of job you can do from home & customers expect assistance in a reasonable period of time ...
-4 votes
1 answer

Unlimited sick day policy [closed]

I am an HR coordinator and our company is adopting an unlimited sick day policy and we have never done that before. is there anyone can share your unlimited sick day policy? thank you.
-6 votes
1 answer

Am I required to record doctor's appointments as absences?

I informed my boss that I have a doctor's appointment at 11 am and 5 pm on different days. He responded with the following message telling me to record my doctor's appointments as absences on my ...
-1 votes
7 answers

Employee continuously has an intense coughing fit. Unofficial solutions?

An employee where I work has a very intense cough. Every 10-30 minutes this person -- whom sits a few rows away in a large floor filled with cubes -- has a coughing fit which lasts less than a minute ...
-1 votes
2 answers

During a Ramped Return to Work, can the employer enforce a reduction in working hours?

Suppose I have an injury, which warrants an extended absense followed by a Ramped Return to Work. Let's suppose I started at 2dpw and have currently progressed to working 3 dpw, with a shared ...
-4 votes
1 answer

Is "ramped return to work after physical injury" covered by Statutory Sick Leave (UK)

From the UK gov website on Stat. Sick Pay: SSP is paid when the employee is sick for at least 4 days in a row (including non-working days). If an employee was injured or ill in such a manner that ...
-4 votes
4 answers

How to prevent being unfairly fired and what to do about it

This is a followup from this question: My manager warned me about absences on short notice I was adviced to open a new question. I made a mistake in not telling my boss about an outpatient appointment ...
16 votes
7 answers

My manager warned me about absences on short notice

In the morning about two hours before a meeting I messaged by manager to tell them I was going to a doctors appointment and I would miss the morning meeting, and asked to reschedule it (it's a small ...
22 votes
5 answers

How do I let my manager know that I am overwhelmed since a co-worker has been out due to family emergency?

I work in the US. I share some duties with a woman, Jane, who has been out the past few days due to her son having major surgery. Since she has been out, I have been doing all the work of the duties ...
36 votes
6 answers

Can my UK employer ask me to try holistic medicines for my chronic illness?

My company's HR department utilises the Bradford Factor as a means to determine appropriate disciplinary actions, such as verbal or written warnings, in response to employee absenteeism due to illness....
5 votes
2 answers

How to notify employer about another sick leave after I already had one recently?

I work for a company that provides IT services to a corporation. About 6 months ago I had a surgery done. Following the surgery I was on a 2-month sick leave to heal up and rehabilitate. Now it turns ...
30 votes
3 answers

Should I discuss amount of sick days with HR?

The past 6 months I have been ill or working from home because of the illness for about 2-3 days a month. I realise this is not optimal for an employer, but nobody has complained/asked any questions ...
55 votes
5 answers

Manager that is mad because I won't work during sick leave

In France, we have strong sick leave laws, with the prohibition of work : If you are in a work stoppage (due to work-related or non-work-related illness or accident at work), you must refrain from ...
-4 votes
1 answer

What to do if your manager said you're being inconsiderate because you had to go home sick? [closed]

I work in a care home. I came to work and was feeling very OK, but a few hours passed and I became sick, had severe stomach issues, felt dizzy and was not even able to hold a pen. I went to my manager ...
17 votes
8 answers

How to describe nursing someone and being a stay at home parent as a career break on LinkedIn?

I’m adding a historic career break to my LinkedIn profile which was nursing, looking after and caring for someone stage 4c cancer and two preschool children. Should I just leave it as “Caregiver” and ...
5 votes
4 answers

Am I compelled to take sick days?

Some background is needed here. I'm a young worker from an IT company, so I'm lacking experience to deal with my current situation. I'm not quite the strong guy who can resist everything and be fine, ...
6 votes
5 answers

What to do about manager who's hard on me because I'm sick?

Ever since I returned from a substantial timeoff due to serious sickness, my manager has been very critical of me. I still complete my tasks and get my job done but because I'm still sick and not yet ...
27 votes
7 answers

Got heat stroke on the first day of work and I'm embarrassed to go back

My job is outside and laborious; park ranger/gardener. Where I live temperatures sit around 35-40 degrees Celsius (95-104 Fahrenheit) and there’s no air conditioned staff rooms for breaks or water ...
8 votes
4 answers

Can I "write up" employees who are family for calling out on the same days?

I am new to management, I have about 20 employees under me at a supermarket and 3 of them are family members. The family members work staggered shifts and when they have something like a birthday they ...
12 votes
5 answers

Is there such a thing as “planned sick leave”?

Question Does the concept of “planned sick leave”, as in time off work planned in advance for medical reasons, exist out there? Or is it totally unheard of? I found this question, which seems to imply ...
64 votes
5 answers

How to best manage calling in sick for your first week?

General question: if you are very sick I think you have no choice but to call in sick even if it's your first week. How bad does this look to your new employer? Are there things you can do to avoid ...
5 votes
5 answers

I have been feeling increasingly lethargic and unfocused and experience brain fog and fatigue. Should I resign and accept a new job despite how I feel

I have been feeling increasingly ill for the past several months: fatigue, brain fog, body aches. The symptoms are better some days, worse on others. Stress makes the symptoms worse. My doctor has ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to ask for sick leave/day off at new job to tend my mentally ill mother

I work at this great company since May. I am still a new guy there, but despite that the bunch is just super cool. Unfortunately yesterday my fears were kind of validated, my mother who has affective ...
73 votes
9 answers

Manager says I take too many sick leaves and that creates a bad perception

I work at a large company in the UK, but not a client facing role. It usually has projects to be delivered over a couple of months. I am entitled to some sick days a year, and I usually take them if I ...
-9 votes
1 answer

Exemptions from wearing a face covering [closed]

I was made exempt from wearing a mask by my doctor. I have a letter. However my employer has stated that there are no exceptions and sent me home. They said I would be on sick pay, however because I ...
4 votes
4 answers

Should I give details about my sick days?

I have noticed that whenever any of my colleagues takes a sick day, they send an email to the department that includes details about their illness. For example: I woke up with a splitting headache ...
0 votes
3 answers

Do they want me to leave?

I took a sick leave of more than 3 months after having neglected health problems, and an evaluation meeting exacerbated my situation. I completely lost interest in the project. My boss asserted once ...
2 votes
2 answers

I’m struggling with depression and feel I need time off work, but I’m worried about letting everyone down

I’m a software developer and I’ve been at the same company for 10 years and I’m very happy there, and generally they have been happy with me too. I have suffered from depression since I was a teenager,...
29 votes
3 answers

Boss Contamination

I work at a small tech company in the US. My superior came in today sick as a dog. I could hear him sniffling and coughing all day. This wasn't a big deal until he came over to my desk to ask about ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Interviewing during Sick Leave

I have had a sleeping disorder that affected my performance during the last couple of years. My employer allowed me to be late in the morning but I've always had the hardest tasks ever, and I would ...
1 vote
1 answer

Would like to reschedule interview due to silly injury. How to convey this?

Yesterday I got a very severe sunburn at the beach. I didn't think the symptoms could be this bad but I've been experiencing confusion and nauseousness. I'm supposed to have an in person interview ...
9 votes
3 answers

Is my boss required to inform me if one of our coworkers has coronavirus?

I work in a supermarket, about 800 employees between two stores. We are an "essential business" and have been open through the entire coronavirus pandemic. ...A newspaper article came out ...
1 vote
1 answer

Who should I talk to about my resignation outside of work?

Last year I started facing a whole raft of workplace issues. There isn't one in particular that I can frame a question around rather it's a holistic situation, there are many factors I can list, but ...
44 votes
3 answers

Protocol on important meetings when you have a cold

So I came down with a bad cold over the weekend. On Monday I have an important meeting regarding the future of our company, and on Tuesday we have an important client coming. Both appointments are ...
4 votes
2 answers

Return to work after sick leave - employer is ignoring my wishes to return

I live in Scotland and I'm having a lot of issues with returning to work. I was signed off work about 5 months ago after being diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. I never intended to be off ...
1 vote
3 answers

Should I disclose a potential health problem during an interview in the interest of transparancy?

My contract is coming to an end in <1 month (26th of June is my final day) as a result of matters unrelated to this question. I am now interviewing for a new job, with 2 interviews for different ...
1 vote
4 answers

Returning to work but unsure about COVID-19 precautions

I have to return to my place of work (based in UK) to carry out essential jobs after working from home for some weeks. My employer has forwarded around a presentation to those having to go to work, ...
8 votes
2 answers

How to handle a one-on-one interview when I have a cold?

I came down with a small cold the day before a major interview. Typically in a group meeting it's recommended to minimize interpersonal contact as to not spread the cold, but that's a bit more ...
28 votes
6 answers

How to handle an injury that happened outside the workplace?

I've had a relatively mild concussion (outside of work). Ideally, I'd like two or three days to recover before jumping back into work, but I've already burned most of my sick days and would like to ...
6 votes
1 answer

Ongoing Scent Sensitivity Issue

Ok, so my issue has been going on for over a year, with no resolution. I'm hoping someone can provide constructive advice for getting things resolved. I work in a corporate office, and they already ...
35 votes
5 answers

How should I reply appropriately if my boss tells me that they are sick in an e-mail?

How should I reply appropriately if my boss tells me that they are sick in an e-mail (the e-mail was sent only to me)? Would "I hope you will get better soon" be enough? Or should I also say something ...
1 vote
1 answer

Job told me I had to make up the hours I was sick

I called in sick to work on the Friday of last week so I missed 8 hours of work! My employer then informed me on the Monday when I had returned that he had already submitted payroll for the month on ...