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3 answers

Is it acceptable to prepare for the requirements interview? The preparation can block the open mind and approach

I am software developer and from time to time I am required to participate in the requirements interviews with internal or external customers for the product the we develop and maintain. I tend and my ...
TomR's user avatar
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-8 votes
2 answers

(Career) I can't be productive because of the paradigm (or teams) - Change Job [closed]

Contextualizing: Hi, I'm 25 years old, and I've been working as a freelancer for 8 years. I mainly worked with stacks: NodeJS , React, React Native, and with TypeScript as stack superset. I've always ...
srluccasonline's user avatar
16 votes
7 answers

What should I do when I have nothing to do at the end of a sprint?

This is my first software development job. Initially I paired a lot with other developers but recently I’ve started doing smaller tickets on my own because I have just enough enough experience to ...
Lucien's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Support and skills needed for junior and intermediate software developers? [closed]

I have been tasked with supervising and up-skilling junior and intermediate software developers. When I was a junior/intermediate developer I was mostly just told to build this or fix that and had to ...
DarcyThomas's user avatar