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Questions tagged [team]

Questions about the interactions of employees in a group

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5 votes
4 answers

Sharing team members performance with peers

I lead a team of engineers, and senior management have asked us to prepare a presentation on the performance and potential of each of our team members. We're being asked to add this to a powerpoint ...
Preston's user avatar
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1 vote
6 answers

How would you interpret feedback that you are "too good"

How would you interpret the following feedback and how can I find out what stands behind it? I am a tech lead to the project and there is a newly assigned team lead. We were having some agile coaching ...
Pesho's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to avoid getting an unwanted team member into the Project?

Every year we have a company celbration. For this we put up a main attraction, which is a sort of sculpture of scaffold elements. From our 150 person strong company I need to put together a team of ...
bennib22's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

Should a single person handle communication between team and external entities?

We are a development team dealing with highly technical and critical for society application that has frequent communication with external companies and organizations. Are there any best or common ...
Pesho's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Should I have said anything to my team member with the feedback I got at work sponsored social event?

I am a manager within the cybersecurity division where I work. I am in the United States and this event occurs in the USA. I have a team of 10 people. Recently, I was at a my company's regional ...
Anthony's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

How can I handle an ambitious colleague, promoted ahead of me, that is self-serving and not that great at his job?

Background One of my colleagues joined my company a year after me, on the same level as I was. He and I initially had a good working relationship, though his code quality is sometimes substandard. ...
anonymous's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

Is it better to show fake sympathy to maintain a good atmosphere?

I'm at a point where I can't eat with my colleagues anymore. All they talk about is gossip or bad-mouthing the bosses. The bad-mouthing often turns out to be false later on, like a few days or weeks ...
BromBoy's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Neurodivergency and frequent team contracts / canvas [closed]

I am part of 10 person team with at least 1 neurodivergent person possibly more. Due to perceived problems in the team, over a period of ten months we had 3 different team contracts / team canvases. ...
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is pair programming a team lead or a tech lead decision?

I am a tech lead in a team. I was doing a lot of the team lead work because there was no team lead up to now. The team has mixed feelings about pair programming. The main reason for this is that some ...
Pesho's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Is team retrospective overriding team lead and tech lead

I have the following question. My team consists of tech lead that has been driving also the development process and a newly assigned team lead. The tech lead is reporting not to the team lead but to ...
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2 votes
2 answers

A colleague is answering question my colleagues are asking me

I am tech lead of a project and I have one senior member, a smart guy. He does not sit immediately next to my desk, but it is an open office, so he is a couple of meters away. I am not very fast in ...
Pesho's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Frustration over co-workers engineering habits [closed]

I work in a small, but established software company. I have been there over 2 years now and with time I noticed a growing frustration with one of my teammates and how he functions in the team. To set ...
TheDeveloper's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to help pen testing engineer improve intuition

I am a manager in the cybersecurity division of the company where I work and am responsible for overseeing internal pen testing of APIs and in house built applications. Many applications and APIs are ...
Anthony's user avatar
  • 21.9k
10 votes
4 answers

How to deal with an oversmart/bossy colleague?

I am part of a team: 2 senior developers (8+ Years, including myself and my colleague X), 4 junior developers. X is not my reporting manager, and my reporting manager doesn't involve herself in our ...
user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

How do I decline a ride home to a team member from a team event when I and team had been drinking?

Yesterday, I was enjoying dinner and drinks with my team members and company management of my work division. Both I and the rest of the team had been drinking (2-3 drinks) during the evening event. I ...
Anthony's user avatar
  • 21.9k
5 votes
4 answers

When (if ever) is it good to speak up if a coworker just sits watching videos all day?

At my job some days I would work out of a room with only one other person in it. 95% of the time he would just sit at his desk watching YouTube videos of World of Warcraft. He wasn't management but he ...
ClanLatin's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

I am part of a team while not officially reporting to its manager, and I think this is causing tension between us. How should I address this?

I am a mid-level software engineer at a large-ish tech company, having slightly above 5YOE. My team is comprised of 8 developers. The previous manager for this team left the company a few months back. ...
throwaway_account_123's user avatar
24 votes
4 answers

How can I state to junior engineers to not work a ticket unless he / she can own the task without demoralizing?

I am a manager in the cybersecurity division where I work. I have been a manager for the past five years and am well respected in the division. Our team is responsible for security engineering and ...
Anthony's user avatar
  • 21.9k
-1 votes
1 answer

Should team leader engage with team or separate themselves?

I have team of 6. As their Software development TL should I always be with team in their joy and cry or should I separate myself from them? Observed that, if I be with their team, they tends to fear ...
AM5's user avatar
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1 vote
9 answers

How to handle team?

I have recently got position of software development team leader. This is my first time handling a team of 6 members. A few members of the team were my colleagues before becoming their team leader. I ...
AM5's user avatar
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65 votes
11 answers

How to avoid having a higher total effort after delegating tasks to the team

In theory, the idea behind having a team of people to do something is that I can delegate some tasks to the team rather than doing everything myself. I work in software development and I regularly ...
O. R. Mapper's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

How to handle boss' team invitation to go to a bar, when my coworker is an alcoholic in recovery?

My boss is visiting his remote team members locally where I work in the United States. In an open environment by our cubes, he asked does anyone want to go out after work for dinner and drinks. One of ...
Anthony's user avatar
  • 21.9k
1 vote
4 answers

Can i ban technical scope extension as a tech lead [closed]

I am tech lead of a team with decided architecture and an action plan for development divided in different phases. One of the developers, a very vocal one, wants to pick a task from one of the later ...
Pesho's user avatar
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-4 votes
4 answers

How can I mitigate effects of a greatly reduced team due to situation I don't control?

Similar to my previous series of questions (here and here), this question involves dealing with the unpleasant consequences of dating a colleague. Today, I found out my girlfriend, a project manager, ...
Anthony's user avatar
  • 21.9k
21 votes
9 answers

Should I send an email to African American colleagues given a recent nearby targeted crime?

I manage a team and several of my colleagues are African American, living very close to Jacksonville, Florida. Given the weekend shooting this past weekend that appears to be due to suspect's animus ...
Anthony's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How to mitigate loss of key members of team and unfair burden for other team members due to HR imposed conflict of interest solution

I am manager in the cybersecurity division of my employer managing a technical team of security engineers / analysts. I have been with my company for close to 10 years and am well respected. Recently ...
Anthony's user avatar
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25 votes
6 answers

Should I be scheduling these meetings/writing the agendas?

I'm a Product Manager for a proprietary software. In that role I participate in the "longterm planning" team comprised of our lead Developer, the CTO and myself. I'm the only woman in our 20 ...
SNSAD's user avatar
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49 votes
7 answers

How to professionally decline nightlife drinking with colleagues on international trip to Japan?

I manage a team of 10 at the place where I currently work. Next month, I will be travelling to Narita Japan with my team to visit division headquarters. As part of the travel itinerary, there will be ...
Anthony's user avatar
  • 21.9k
3 votes
4 answers

Is it worth the effort to invest in building a team culture

I work in a company that is slowly but surely transitioning out of the startup phase. I am in charge of a dev team that creates and manages a supporting software product to the main hardware product ...
ThrwyQst's user avatar
-5 votes
3 answers

Doing the heavy lifting, no gratitude

I have been in a very strange situation recently. 20 years of experience have had some disagreements conflicts in the past, but I have never managed to alienate a whole team towards me so far :) So it ...
Pesho's user avatar
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-7 votes
1 answer

Does occupational / workplace psychology have a name for local managers using the "Barnum Effect"

The Barnum effect is when astrologers, tarot readers etc statements about your personality or your future that you think is specific to you but in fact are very general and apply to almost anyone just ...
Wode Brodski's user avatar
33 votes
10 answers

I found a security vulnerability in our code. How do I present it in our sprint review?

Last week I found a serious security vulnerability in our code during a PR review. Twice a month we have a sprint review where we all present our work for the past 2 weeks. I'm excited that I ...
Java's user avatar
  • 448
13 votes
5 answers

My successor and her future primary contact do not get along

For several years, I have been working as the technical lead of a team of 7 engineers responsible for one part of a large project in a company based in Germany. As a team lead, my tasks included ...
user139158's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Explain to my manager that the current position is not a good match for my experience?

I started working in this team a bit more than a year ago, and it was supposed that it's a position of C# programmer but 95% of the job that I actually do here has nothing to do with C# - it's ...
user_ok's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Am I responsible for loss of valuable supplies (>usd120k)?

I work at a molecular bio lab as a postgraduate student and I'm relatively new. My team currently focuses on antibody research and hence my post-doctorate team supervisor had ordered a lot of various ...
wkjnrt's user avatar
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25 votes
8 answers

How can I lead co-workers into active problem solving instead of expecting explicit numbered instructions?

I am a software developer with 10 years of professional experience. In order to gain experience leading a team, I have decided to be involved in a side project with a friend who switched careers via a ...
user avatar
-6 votes
2 answers

How to manage repetitive no-work or no progress with some of your teammates or employee? [closed]

Here are a couple of things about myself: I'm a co-founder and joined the start-up after 1 year. I have real SWE, Architecture and management experience in many other start-ups in Silicon Valley. I ...
fneron's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

How do I make an impact in a new job where I feel the team is not supportive and pulling me back?

I have completed 3 months in a new company. I have over 9 years experience some of them as a lead but I joined here as an individual contributor. I am finding it difficult to make an impact despite ...
Monalisa's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

How to perform and shine in a team when the boss is too busy to manage

When the manager is too busy to micromanage and monitor the progress of the project, he empowers and delegate it to me and my colleagues, who form a small team to work on a project. However, due to ...
Student's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

For a startup with 3+ founders how can it be damaging if two of the founders are working more closely together than with the rest of the team?

I am part of a startup that currently has four founders. Initially I started working on this project with a friend of mine, later on we invited two more people to join us. Currently, the distribution ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can the L2 support team gain knowledge about the product? - Scrum framework

This may vary from company to company. but in general, how is this done? Or, how should this be done? This question is somewhat related to this and this. But not the same. We have 5 dev teams and a ...
yavoge's user avatar
  • 19
-2 votes
3 answers

Is it rude for coworkers to ignore your idea?

You join a team to help them with the project. This is a team that is outside of your main responsibilities. Your boss tells you it's a good project since it's in the early stages and you can ...
user173729's user avatar
21 votes
7 answers

What's the value to be realized in a 'team work agreement'?

We've recently hired a new Product Owner (PO) into our organization, which is a software engineering department inside an academic research institution. She recently asked her team to create a 'team ...
Bill Horvath's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How can I learn to lead at the client as a mid-level software developer in the workplace?

I was externally hired by a company to help them with software development. All people at the client are software developers too. I was asked to lead them, but I don't know how. I'm quite introverted, ...
Jay's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to develop as a recently promoted team lead when your VP is always busy?

I've been a software engineer for quite a while, but recently I got promoted to a team lead which causes me a lot of STRESS. Now I'm superior to my peers which makes all of us a bit uncomfortable, but ...
Dim's user avatar
  • 21
8 votes
4 answers

How to increase self-esteem of team?

I've just joined the new company. There are few developers team, and each of them is responsible for another part of the product. I'm the engineering manager of the one of teams. The problem I'm ...
user avatar
-12 votes
4 answers

How to let your manager know some of your colleagues are not the sharpest pencils in the box

I have situations where time and again I encounter non-sense, non-high-standard behavior from some of my colleagues in the work. These colleagues report to the same manager as me. These can be ...
riorio's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Taking over the lead of a team but not official - am I not set up for success?

I joined a software development team at work 12 months ago, switching from a different team within the same company. Let's briefly go through the people in the team: a manager and then myself, person ...
user09876543's user avatar
0 votes
9 answers

How many project managers does a startup need?

I've worked at 3 separate startups, most had 1 - 2 PMs, usually roughly 1 PM per 3-5 developers. My current position is similar, there are 4 teams of 2-3 devs, each with their own PM. My friend's ...
ChumiestBucket's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

How to deal with a senior who is showing signs of lethargy?

I am working on a project with a team of three (my team lead, me and one of my peer). My team lead is very experienced in the field and vastly knowledgeable. He is very dedicated and committed to the ...
user123's user avatar
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