Whether or not it is an issue is really determinate on a number of factors that both We and You cannot know upfront. - Is the Business doing well? A Badly performing business will put Strain on the couple and on their Finances (Personal and business) - Is their Relationship healthy? As above, if they are fighting about things inside the Marriage, the chances are that at least some of it will spill over into work. - What their personalities are like. Some people are very good at compartmentalizing. They can be angry at you over one specific issue and still treat you justly for a different issue. Also whether or not they are secure in themselves or insecure. For example - My Wife works with a Husband and Wife run business - and they are absolutely lovely bosses - take care of their staff, never argue, always professional. I've worked with a Husband and Wife team (albeit they were Engaged when I worked with them) and it was never an issue for me directly, sometimes they would have 'business discussions' that were passionate, but that never impacted my work. I've worked with another Husband and Wife team who were completely fine until they were starting to look at retirement and they had different ideas of who they wanted to take over the company/the direction the company was to go in. It's one of those things you can't know for certain until you experience it. I think it's unfair to call it a Red Flag per se - it's more a case that if you decide to proceed with the Job (and if it's just size and the marrital status, I'd say go for it) and then be vigilant in case there is anything happening. Alternatively, if you simply don't want to take the risk - that's also fine too.