I am working with a PLM based product. Everything is fine. But I feel that the technology stack is too limited. I want to work with java based technologies like Spring, Hibernate etc..and learn how those stuff fit in.
I could try for companies that offer such positions. In-fact I am trying as I post this. But there is a problem here. I am somehow not trusting my potential. I truly am good at programming. But, somehow, I do not have any confidence whatsoever. I can crack interview that is not a problem, but I don't have confidence at all.
This is really starting to bother me. I could see other people who are not having that much of a tech exposure are jumping off to different companies and are getting better pay...yet i'm not even able to make that jump. I am even getting thoughts of continuing in my current company for ever.
I really don't know what to do or how to deal with this situation. I am not even sure if I would get an encouraging response here...not even sure if SE allows these posts. But I really want inputs from experts here...because im pretty sure everyone goes through such situations in their professional lives at some point or the other..so awaiting responses....what should i do..how should i proceed..
Regards, Pavan.