I am currently working remotely and my manager has assigned me some work that involves working with my client who are all based outside my country.

The project I am assigned to is currently outside my expertise and involves something I have never done. The team was setup 3 months ago and most of the things have been already covered or are partially done.

This team is setup as a performance optimization team and has less priority.

Whenever I join the meetings I am asked to pick up a task but I am hesitant as I am afraid to deliver it and recently I have become so bored that I don't join the meetings as I have lost interest in any of those tasks. 

I am slacking off due to this and this unprofessionalism is causing me guilt feelings. my client doesn't say much to me and is probably not interested to know what I am doing as other colleagues are doing the stuff proactively as they were part of the team when it started.
I was abruptly asked to join the team and asked to learn and start working.

Anyways, the questions I have are:

1. Should I quit the company before I cause a substantial damage to company's reputation by slacking off.
I am also afraid to apply any jobs at this point of time due to ongoing crisis.

2. I am honestly not sure what role I am supposed to have currently, my manager and scrum master sometimes asks me to do some work from the task board and other times asks me to only understand the process of optimization and explain to other colleagues.