Fanboys / Fangirls have been around for a long long time. Back in ancient times (aka 1980s) the common saying was "Nobody got fired for buying IBM." Turning back the clock further to prehistoric times, I could cite Westinghouse vs Edison and the marketing that went into that "fanboi war"... but even that wasn't the beginning.
Marketing works everywhere, even in that supposed bastion of logical thinking: IT. More than that, when someone is happy with the tools that they use, they will gladly try to make sure those tools are used by everyone.
This isn't really a workplace issue but rather one of how you approach brand recognition and customer loyalty in all walks of life. That said, I'll leave you with 3 fun facts:
Fun fact 1: One of the perks of being a decision maker is that you get to impose your world view on those around you.
Fun fact 2: Everyone who knows there is only ONE TRUE PATH is kidding themselves. The world is far grayer than that and is more than capable of supporting the mess.
Fun fact 3: "Best" is defined by the person using the word, is incredibly ambiguous, subject to change on a whim and few people can agree on what qualifies.
My advice: present your arguments for why you want to go a certain path and let the decision makers do the decision making. Then use your talents to make the best of it you can.