Years ago I was in a similar situation. I was fired from my first 2 jobs out of college. My first job lasted 8 months and my next one lasted 1.5 years. **The official reasons given to me were similar to yours, but those were just "bland" reasons they give to anyone they want to fire.** My real problems were personal, and even if HR knew about them they wouldn't comment on them for fear of discrimination. My real problems were:

1) Severe untreated ulcerative colitis 
2) Depression
3) Sleep Apnea

**Given these personal problems, it was literally impossible for me to be a successful employee, these things HAD to be fixed first before anything else.**

1) If you have severe untreated ulcerative colitis or chon's disease your life is going to be a wreck. I literally showed up late to work because I was in the bathroom too long and my insides hurt so bad, or later my boss asked me why I was taking so many bathroom breaks and I literally did NOT want to tell him. Not to mention your sleep will be rather horrible because you are in so much pain.

2) I think a lot of my depression was due to my physical condition. I didn't feel well, and that made me extremely unhappy, and unwilling to make friends or even leave the house for long periods of time. I was in an extremely bad place mentally, and even after I was treated physically, I needed to see a psychologist for years after before I felt my depression start to lift.

3) Sleep Anpena sucks too. I would get 9 hours of sleep every night and still feel groggy in the morning. I'm pretty sure my managers thought I was out partying every night, or a severe alcoholic rather than someone who just didn't sleep well. If you have this problem, see a doctor and he will refer you to a specialist as it's an easily treatable problem.

Eventually I had these problems treated and I was much happier. For a few years I had to work some less desirable jobs but I was eventually able to recover and get a job in my field that I was happy with.

I realize my above experience is anecdotal and there is a good chance none of these are your specific problems. That being said,  you need to take a good hard look at your personal problems and see if they are holding you back. **I was in denial about my problems for many years. In the end the only thing I'm sorry about is that I took so long to address them.**