Based on what you said, it sounds like lack of technology isn't the problem here. The problem is more with the lack of interest in your industry in general. 

Unless you're saying that by using technology, such as online services, it can increase your market?

For me personally, as a customer, I dealt with custom shops online that's halfway between new and old style with the "new style" being mostly on the internet with a page. I find these shops better since most of the time you can speak to the actual owner and they can do things just the way you like. They still do the old style "over the phone and paperwork" system by you calling a number on the website. The website looks straight out of 1998.

Reputation is everything though in these smaller sectors. On the site mentioned above, it was mostly by word of mouth that's shared on forums and other areas. I believe since wood working is so niche industry, people are looking for specific services and if you can build that reputation, people will catch on and start going to your site for service. Who will you appeal to? The mom & pop furniture shop that does custom building and need timber from you? And they might be half way across the country and they're just looking for someone like you to delivery a product that they need at a good price.