> Is this 30 minutes walk billable to us? This is something you'll need to ask the international IT company, as it depends solely on your agreement with them. Personally, if I had a team of contractors working on a project, and I saw them all taking 30-mind walkaround breaks every day, I'd be very concerned. I would go back to the contracting company and ask what was going on. And my contract with them would typically allow me to have any or all replaced if they weren't working up to my expectations. If I thought the 30-minute break was necessary (it usually isn't), and the working being produced was better for it, then I wouldn't complain. And a one-time or very occasional 30-minute break when stuck is perfectly reasonable. But anyone who gets stuck repeatedly and needs to take 30 minutes to get unstuck is demonstrating that they aren't sufficiently qualified to work at a client site. I'd have them removed and replaced with someone who didn't get stuck so often. TL;DR: When you want to know what is billable and what is not, read your contract and talk with the contracting company. That's the only way you will know for sure.