In practice, you need not be in the same location and the same timezone to seek or provide help. There are lots of communication tools (starting from e-mail to a collaborated wiki page) which can help you in this regard. That said, in my opinion, you need to work on your requirements and estimation. Given that this is a new assignment for you, it's expected that you're likely to face challenges with the overall knowledge - question is what has been done to overcome that? - Did you receive the required induction / knowledge transfer for the assignment? - Do you have knowledge / access to relevant documentation are you using the properly? - Is the requirement and acceptance criteria clear enough to you before you start working on something? In summary: Challenges are inevitable (and sometimes, welcome), you need to ensure you have a plan for that. - Use the communication tools provided to you wisely - Seek clarity on the work assignment - Work on preparing a plan / estimation before you start actual work That way, you'll be able to foresee the problems and seek for any help / assistance in advance which can help you overcome the timezone gap.