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Sandra K
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How can I go through personal / technical interview properly?

I am new in the United States, I am new in the field: 8 months corporate experience with a small company + 8 courses (grad and under grad) by now. I am having a problem

I always succeed in getting the personal interview (To the technical test), however, I always screw in the test. It happened with the last four applications (Since I started the career / education here as a Computer Scientist): They call me, they like what they hear, they ask me to come to the test, I fail the test..

Now I have a fifth one next week. I come from a C# / C++ background and this company develop with Java. When they mentioned the test I asked if they are going to take into consideration that I am considered a noob in Java and they said they still want to test my understanding of object oriented and other topics. But the thing is, yes I learned a lot of stuff in a small period of time, but I am still a noob even with C++ / C# !!

Not sure if I am targeting higher level jobs than my level or I am indeed just a noob still. And now I am sitting here without knowing what to do.. I don't want to keep negative thoughts. I want to study and nail that test and get that job!

The thing is, all the tests that were provided to me, I found them online later under "Interview Questions". So they are not actually testing my skills to match their tasks , the test is just a part of the process of hiring. How can I go through that properly?

Sandra K
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