A few months ago I was interviewing with Tech Company for a consulting job. The job was attractive for a few reasons, the main ones being a big pay increase, full-time, fully remote, good career move, and skill-wise it was a great fit. I also work in a relatively niche tech area so I don't see jobs like this that often. I was happy to make the jump.

However, in the very last round of interviews Tech Company pulled the job offer, saying the Client Company canceled the job on their end, so Tech Company had no more need to hire anyone. Worryingly, this was during a couple rounds of salary negotiations, meaning I could have potentially signed the contract *before* Client Company canceled the job - and worryingly after I might have already given notice at my current job! I'm not that experienced with the job offer process, but pulling the offer at the last second like this didn't seem that professional to me and made me wonder how things work internally at their HR.

That said... it's been a couple months, and Tech Company has now gotten back in contact with me and are asking me to interview for a similar position. The position looks just as attractive for all the same reasons I posted above. However, I'm worried what would happen if I'm a month into the job and, again, Client Company removes the position (or something similar). Basically I'm worried about job security given what happened last time.

I'm looking for advice for how to approach job security while interviewing for this new job. Can I ask them to remove the probationary period (6 months)? Are there other things I can negotiate so I have peace of mind?