I had been working for one month almost and today my team leader called me in private and told me that they are going to hire another person with my position to help with other projects, as *they didn't anticipated the work load would be this much when hiring me. So I can focus myself onto the project. He said you don't have worry because your permanent and he will be on contract.* 
Does it mean it's a sign for me that they are not happy with me or just a regular conversation on hiring someone along me? I just shifted in this country and although I can't quickly speak English a native Briton but I was wondering if I am in hot waters? 
They had been happy with my work and my understanding of what is needed and me able to deliver. But I am not vocal in meetings like other people because they been there for 2-10 years. So many things that confuses me. I did ask my boss if my job is in trouble and his reply was u don't need to worry. Yet I am worried. Am I verge of loosing job or it's just a hiring process of letting you know if someone else is joining, if so, why not in meetings with department. Why alone?