When dealing with recruiters EVERYTHING, from the moment initial contact is made, is a negotiation. By not taking the call during the day your stating that getting a new job\contract isn't currently your highest priority. If you were desperate you'd take calls 24\7. Likewise if they aren't interested in calling you outside working hours then evidently it's not worth it to them to do so. If they thought you were a strong enough candidate for a high enough paying position they'd call at whatever time you asked because the margins are high enough to make it worth it. 

After 25 years of contracting and having dealt with hundreds of recruiters I have found that the ones that come off demanding during the initial contact make for very hard people to deal with throughout the duration of the negotiations and contracts. Keep in mind that Recruiters work for you. If you don't get the job they don't get paid (but then of course neither do you).