If this is one of the only jobs you have held in your field then it is important to include it on your CV. But if you have many years of experience then you should exclude it. 
## Being made redundant is a valid reason
If a future employer asks why you were there for such a short time then you can simply tell them that it was due to "Lack of a speculative project progress and my position was made redundant due to a lack of need by the company." Most companies will understand, last hired employee is always the first to be let go when the work dries up. 
## Difficulty with team members is not 
It is important that you do not say that you had difficulties with team members or with management, that shows a prospective employer that you are not a team player and that you won't fit in their work environment. 

## Experience Section on CV
I would also include a section on my CV called "Skills" or "Technologies" The basis of this section is to outline all of the technologies (i.e. coding languages you are familiar with) that could help you get a job. It is possible that you could have self taught a language that did not come from a specific position at a specific company. I have seen a CV that had a section entitled "Program Languages, Technologies, and Operating Systems" which seems relevant to your question. I would suggest that you include a time frame of how long you have worked with each, i.e. September 2017-Present, or 3 years 2 months.