I work in an office in the UK with about 120 staff. We all have access to the "public drive" which is a LAN for us to share work. There's also thing on there like pics from the Christmas party, etc. It's pretty big. A colleague recently told me that he found a folder full of every employee's resume/CV. Some he didn't recognise, so they must be people who applied and didn't get a job. He also told me things about other people's previous work. I'd also heard another colleague say that he once found his own interview feedback, with comments and everything. I feel like this is a breech of privacy. Is it? I dont know if mine is on there because I cant find it and I dont want to ask and bring attention to it for others to read, but i would hate to see mine on there. Does this breech data protection laws? I should note that my line of work makes in necessary for my employees to know my phone number, though probably not my address. But what about the other bits of information. Fair enough its not personal data, but isnt it unfair to have this public? Note: I'm not asking if the person who found committed a data breech, but if the company did by putting it on the public drive in the first place.