Full question:
When evaluating job candidates with an unconventional background, eg illnesses, disabilities, convictions, etc., what approaches should I adopt in addition to, or differently from, what's typically used so that I can maximize both fairness as well as my company's interests (US multi state)?

This is for a start-up that I'm building. It can be difficult to compete for talents with more established businesses, so I'd like to be more open-minded, which may turn out to be win-win. At the same time, for the most part this is uncharted territory for me. I'm aware of the potential legal issues and have been careful in that repsect. But I would also like to learn from other folks who have been involved in or have knowledge of similar cases.

Additional background (for the disabilities? case):
Let's say an indie start-up needs a more artistic team member (digital audio/visual) to complement existing capabilities. A motivated entry-level applicant has a condition that affects many things being produced, not necessarily in a counter-productive way but potentially so, so it can be a judgment call. This hasn't affected the applicant's education per se, but schools give quite a bit of latitude in terms of choice of projects, so the portfolio has ended up being a little different from that of others. If in the future this turns out to be a bigger issue during production, I may need to find some other idea/technology/person to compensate. In terms of fit/personality, I haven't noticed anything remarkable. I'm hoping that even if things really don't work out down the road, despite doing our best, we would still be able to part ways amicably.