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Questions about addressing difficult or complicated communication issues in the workplace. Communication in the workplace may take place in many forms (email, phone, face-to-face, IM) and between a variety of parties (coworkers, managers, reports, clients).

2 votes

My Boss Wants Fancier Methods

Find out what exactly motivates your boss and then adress exactly those issues. As theorised here, one reason could be marketing. Your boss could name drop the google guide Rules of Machine Learning i …
Benjamin's user avatar
  • 12.4k
1 vote

What advice should I give a coworker dealing with a conservative team lead?

I totally agree with the raise to manager part, but not with the low profile or wait for less turbuluent time. For the hoping for better times: As far as we know, they will never come! So it's his jo …
Benjamin's user avatar
  • 12.4k
6 votes

I'm a manager and a person in my team has poor writing and speaking skills. Should I bring u...

You did not mention culture. Culture plays a big role and how you would communicate it. Maybe you mention that you know that it is hard for them, and maybe you stick to facts like in jwsc's answer. Bu …
Benjamin's user avatar
  • 12.4k
3 votes

Are humanities subjects useful for Computer Science jobs?

In my company, new hires get courses on communication, body language, presentation, etc. We also train interviewing, because that's what gets us new projects. …
Benjamin's user avatar
  • 12.4k
0 votes

I am upset about not getting a promotion. Should I stick it out, or ask to be transferred, o...

so, if your lack of promotion is only due to Covid/lack of budget, you will get one post Covid, right? I would try to get a 30 min or 1h talk with your manager, and say that you are highly intersted …
Benjamin's user avatar
  • 12.4k
7 votes

Is it rude for coworkers to ignore your idea?

What's your role and what's your relationshop to the other members? You wrote: After awhile, you noticed some flaws with the project. You pointed them out using data. You thought of a solution. I se …
Benjamin's user avatar
  • 12.4k
20 votes

My company/team relies on a language I clearly specified I can't speak

I read this part: They replied that I should not worry about that, that this matter "is on them" as they will provide the necessary accommodation for me. And parsed it as: We know it doesn't work as …
Benjamin's user avatar
  • 12.4k
0 votes

As a contractor, non-technical employer questions my technical decisions

Assuming he doesn't directly develop on your project, I'd try the trust route. Say something like: I understand that you are concerned for the success project. You repeatedly say that you need my tec …
Benjamin's user avatar
  • 12.4k
4 votes

How should I explain my plans to exit my new job to my manager and recruiters?

Can your current boss do anything to keep you? Give you different tasks, rearange roles, or whatever? If yes, you could talk with the goal of staying. If no, telling your new boss is a high risk low r …
Benjamin's user avatar
  • 12.4k
9 votes

Popular colleague not doing their work which blocks my friend who doesn't feel confident con...

Tymoteusz Paul hast raised some valid points. I would add: Try to solve it within the parameters given. Ask the colleague how you could organise work so that you can proceed and he can proceed with h …
Benjamin's user avatar
  • 12.4k
5 votes

Client wants me to interact with their end-customer, but through client's company email

Thus, If they insist on using their adress for communication, you insist on making your status obvious. …
Benjamin's user avatar
  • 12.4k
29 votes

How should I tell a colleague I don't think he's qualified for a lead role?

Frame it positively: Name areas he should improve to become a Lead. Be as clear and actionable as possible. That way, you support your coworker and tell he what he has to do to reach his word. Some sa …
Benjamin's user avatar
  • 12.4k