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The smoking tag is to be used when the problem or when part of the problem is about smoking.

10 votes

Office manager smoking in office; how can we make this stop?

When she sees that her smoking is impacting several coworkers she will surely reconsider. If this proves ineffective, even after repeatedly asking her directly, escalating would be the alternative. … On a more personal note, any decent owner should be aware of the relevance of this situation (both for the legal and health aspects), and should take swift action if the smoking continues. …
DarkCygnus's user avatar
  • 83.7k
27 votes

Can I get in trouble for smoking on a video call while working from home?

Regardless, smoking while on a Zoom meeting with your coworkers or clients is not professional, as you are on working hours and the video stream depicting you smoking is going through your company's channel … I suggest that you avoid smoking while on Live meetings, or perhaps wait for the meeting to finish to go for a smoke. …
DarkCygnus's user avatar
  • 83.7k