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Questions referring to how one presents themselves and interacts with others in a professional environment

4 votes

How to handle no-call-no-show issues?

Reporting in sick must be easy and quick. I have worked for companies that require you to PHONE in and SPEAK to your manager, that can take 30 minutes on the phone if someone has to go to find the ma …
Ian's user avatar
  • 1,387
5 votes

Manager is asking future employee to do work before start date

It depends…. If the work is to review the job specs of people that are about to be hired to will report to her once she start her job, then she should do it. If the work is to review a spec for a sy …
Ian's user avatar
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2 votes

Should I stop flexing my working hours?

You are an intern, if they don’t like you or your work, they are likely to give you work they don’t care about and leave your in a corner. Unless you so something very bad, they will not go to the e …
Ian's user avatar
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4 votes

How can a shift manager discipline an employee when that employee is the owner's daughter?

Start with collecting daily performance stats on how fast pizzas are delivered to customers, who delivered them and the times that each member of staff arrived and left. Even phone a few customers ea …
Ian's user avatar
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0 votes

Is automating my job a good idea?

I think you are missing the important part of the job. Of course the formatted Photoshop files will need a human pass over to make sure they're up to quality standards By automating the re-siz …
Ian's user avatar
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