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Questions with this tag should be specific to the Software Industry, or to workplace elements commonly associated with said industry. The Software Industry deals with the creation, maintenance, and distribution of software. In addition, the creation of any associated training/documentation, as well as any consulting work, is included under the auspices of Software Industry.

8 votes

Does it matter where you host your website for a portfolio?

Does it matter where I host my portfolio? Not really. As long as you are choosing a reliable host that ensures that your website has a good uptime (has almost no downtime due to technical issues fro …
Nimesh Neema's user avatar
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70 votes

Asked to share source code from interview task via a public repository

Create a public repo using a new GitHub/BitBucket account for just this task I'm not sure whether this is normal in the industry. There is no standardized practise for this as such in the industry. …
Nimesh Neema's user avatar
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3 votes

Contract will be extended indefinitely, how to ask for a raise

They said I have made very good progress and at this rate I will be in a fairly senior position in a couple of years' time. I think it would be best to wait till you receive the new contract agreeme …
Nimesh Neema's user avatar
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0 votes

Would it be acceptable to ask for an Intern position until a full-time position becomes avai...

Would it be acceptable for me to message the recruiter telling her that I am interested in an internship program until a position opens up? There's nothing stopping you from talking this through …
Nimesh Neema's user avatar
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21 votes

Writing computer program code for free in an interview?

Is it normal that if one applies to programming job, he must do some programming related task for free before the he signs the collective agreement? Yes, this is a pretty common practise in IT in …
Appulus's user avatar
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8 votes

Side Gig (Similar to Main Job) - Professional & Legal Advice

You need legal advice here, not workplace-related advise. At the least, make sure you have not signed any non-compete clause, and are not violating any terms of job agreement with your current employe …
Nimesh Neema's user avatar
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7 votes

Pros and cons of working on a low-code development platform as a software developer

Don't do it if you feel spending time on a platform like this interferes with your short term career goals, by taking up time and attention away from doing real programming. There could be both pros …
Nimesh Neema's user avatar
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6 votes

Company declines to share offer letter over email

Both the companies deny sharing offer letter over email. They are asking me to be at their office to get offer letter. It's a commonly followed practise among mid-sized IT companies in India. It' …
Nimesh Neema's user avatar
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0 votes

Finding a new job after current responsibilities shifted

To remedy my lack of skills, I have been doing practice interview problems on my own time, and I intend to increase my own practice and ensure I consistently do it for 1-2 hours a day. Stick to i …
Nimesh Neema's user avatar
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